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steve4744 edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 23 revisions

List of TNTRun_reloaded placeholders

This is the list of placeholders in the latest release of TNTRun_reloaded. Not all placeholders are available in older versions of the plugin.

Placeholder Description
%tntrun_played% number of TNTRun games played
%tntrun_wins% number of TNTRun games won
%tntrun_losses% number of TNTRun games lost
%tntrun_current_arena% name of arena the player is currently in
%tntrun_arena_count% number of TNTRun arenas
%tntrun_pvp_arena_count% number of PVP TNTRun arenas
%tntrun_nopvp_arena_count% number of non-PVP TNTRun arenas
%tntrun_player_count% number of players currently playing TNTRun
%tntrun_pvp_player_count% number of players currently playing PVP TNTRun
%tntrun_nopvp_player_count% number of players currently playing non-PVP TNTRun
%tntrun_player_count_<arena>% number of players currently playing arena
%tntrun_spectator_count_<arena>% number of spectators in arena
%tntrun_spectator_count% number of TNTRun spectators
%tntrun_joinfee_<arena>% fee required to join arena
%tntrun_currency_<arena>% currency item required to join arena
%tntrun_doublejumps% number of doublejumps the player has
%tntrun_allplayers_<arena>% list of all players in the arena
%tntrun_players_<arena>% list of active players in the arena
%tntrun_spectators_<arena>% list of spectators in the arena
%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_<position>% player at position in "wins" leaderboard
%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_score_<position>% number of wins at position in "wins" leaderboard
%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_rank_<position>% rank of player at position in "wins" leaderboard
%tntrun_leaderboard_losses_player_<position>% player at position in "losses" leaderboard
%tntrun_leaderboard_losses_score_<position>% number of wins at position in "losses" leaderboard
%tntrun_leaderboard_losses_rank_<position>% rank of player at position in "losses" leaderboard
%tntrun_leaderboard_played_player_<position>% player at position in "played" leaderboard
%tntrun_leaderboard_played_score_<position>% number of wins at position in "played" leaderboard
%tntrun_leaderboard_played_rank_<position>% rank of player at position in "played" leaderboard
%tntrun_status_<arena>% current status of the arena
%tntrun_pvp_status_<arena>% PVP status of the arena (enabled or disabled)
%tntrun_damage_status_<arena>% damage status of the arena (yes, no or zero)
%tntrun_version% version number of the TNTRun_reloaded plugin

Creating holograms using the placeholders

The examples below show how this can be done using plugin HolographicDisplays. Other hologram plugins should also work but are untried.

HolographicDisplays (v3.0.0+)

For example, you can create a hologram from a placeholder for the player with the most wins by using placeholder %tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_1%.

/hd create TNTRun_Leader {papi: tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_1}

To create a Holographic Leaderboard for TNTRun_reloaded

First create a hologram for the TNTRun leaderboard:

/hd create TNTRun_Wins TNTRun Leaderboard

Add a line for each position you want on the leaderboard:

/hd addline TNTRun_Wins &6{papi: tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_1} &f: &c{papi: tntrun_leaderboard_wins_score_1}
/hd addline TNTRun_Wins &6{papi: tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_2} &f: &c{papi: tntrun_leaderboard_wins_score_2}
/hd addline TNTRun_Wins &6{papi: tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_3} &f: &c{papi: tntrun_leaderboard_wins_score_3}

The leaderboard will refresh automatically every tick. This is a known issue with v3.0.0 and should be configurable in a later release of HolographicDisplays.

Example HolographicDisplay config

This is an example of what HolographicDisplay's database.yml may look like with a TNTRun_reloaded leaderboard of player wins.

  location: world, -392.766, 69.283, 162.659
  - '&6&lTNTRun_reloaded Wins'
  - '&6{papi: tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_1} &f: &c{papi: tntrun_leaderboard_wins_score_1}'
  - '&6{papi: tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_2} &f: &c{papi: tntrun_leaderboard_wins_score_2}'
  - '&6{papi: tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_3} &f: &c{papi: tntrun_leaderboard_wins_score_3}'

HolographicDisplays (v2.4.x)

With this older version placeholders are not natively supported by HolographicDisplays, so you will also need plugins HolographicExtension and ProtocolLib.

For example, you can create a hologram from a placeholder for the player with the most wins by using placeholder %tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_1%.

/hd create TNTRun_Leader {slowest}%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_1%

To create a Holographic Leaderboard for TNTRun_reloaded

First create a hologram for the TNTRun leaderboard:

/hd create TNTRun_Wins TNTRun Leaderboard

Add a line for each position you want on the leaderboard:

/hd addline TNTRun_Wins {slowest}&6%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_1% &f: &c%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_score_1%
/hd addline TNTRun_Wins {slowest}&6%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_2% &f: &c%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_score_2%
/hd addline TNTRun_Wins {slowest}&6%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_3% &f: &c%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_score_3%

The leaderboard will refresh automatically at the rate defined by the Holographic Extension plugin.

Example HolographicDisplay config

This is an example of what HolographicDisplay's database.yml may look like with a TNTRun_reloaded leaderboard of player wins.

  location: world, -392.766, 69.283, 162.659
  - '&6&lTNTRun_reloaded Wins'
  - '{slowest} &6%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_1% &f: &c%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_score_1%'
  - '{slowest} &6%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_2% &f: &c%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_score_2%'
  - '{slowest} &6%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_player_3% &f: &c%tntrun_leaderboard_wins_score_3%'