MicroJava is a high-level programming language, similar, but simpler than Java. Similarly to Java, MicroJava source files are compiled to bytecode, which is then executed by a virtual machine (MicroJava Virtual Machine). MicroJava VM is a simple interpretative emulator.
Full project specification can be found here, while MicroJava language can be found here
Position inside src folder inside project
- Generating lexer:
java -cp ../lib/JFlex.jar JFlex.Main -d rs\ac\bg\etf\pp1 ..\spec\mjlexer.flex >output.out 2>output.err
- Generating parser:
java -cp ../lib/cup_v10k.jar java_cup.Main -destdir rs\ac\bg\etf\pp1 -parser MJParser -ast rs.ac.bg.etf.pp1.ast -buildtree ..\spec\mjparser.cup >output.out 2>output.err
- Compiling and running the code:
- Running with debug option:
- Disassmbler: