This presentation mainly focuses on my personal journey to Go aka Golang. What are the challenges and caveats of the language before considering to switch
In the end there is no perfect language, so in this presentation I'll try to help you make an educated decision for yourself
I'll mainly be talking about:
Language basics
Complete examples
Best practices & caveats
Grab some popcorn and enjoy the talk, it's going to be freaking interesting, can't wait for the demo
- Hello World
- Packages
- Go Mod
- Basic Types
- Const/Var
- Arrays
- Slices
- Arrays/Slices addressing
- Arrays/Slices looping
- Arrays/Slices JSON
- Maps
- Maps looping
- Maps comma, ok
- Nil map
- Maps delete
- Maps JSON
- Structs
- Structs - exported/unexported fields
- Structs - field-promotion
- Structs JSON
- JSON Unmarshalling
- Functions
- Custom Types
- Type methods
- Pointers
- Pointer vs Value types
- Interfaces
- Interface implementation
- Type assertion
- Errors
- defer
- defer loop
- panic & recover
- Testing
- Channels
- Buffered Channels
- Concurrency
- Race conditions
- Deadlock
- Deadlock Fix
- Async/await
- Channels - FAN IN / FAN OUT
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