CuteNetwork is networking code built on top of urlSession.
If you've ever used Moya, which wraps Alamofire, we were inspired by that library. Try out the cute little request 🐣.
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.3.0"))
First, we need to create an enumeration:
enum WhatIsEndPoint: EndPointType {
var baseURL: URL
var path: String
var httpMethod: HTTPMethod
var task: HTTPTask
var headers: HTTPHeaders?
If you populate the enumeration with details, it will look like this:
enum WhatIsEndPoint: EndPointType {
case getPosts
case getSinglePost(Int)
var baseURL: URL {
return URL(string: "")!
var path: String {
switch self {
case .getPosts:
return "/posts"
case .getSinglePost(let id):
return "posts/\(id)"
var httpMethod: HTTPMethod {
return .get
var task: HTTPTask {
// There are three requests:
// request is used to just get a value (GET)
return .request
// requestParameters is the request containing the parameters.
// Depending on the value of bodyEncoding, values other than those that apply can be ignored by putting nil.
return .requestParameters(bodyParameters: Parameters?,
bodyEncoding: ParameterEncoding,
urlParameters: Parameters?)
// In additionHeaders, you can add header values.
// Similarly, if you want to set it in `var headers: HTTPHeaders?`,
// you can set the value of `additionHeaders` to nil.
return .requestParametersAndHeaders(bodyParameters: Parameters?,
bodyEncoding: ParameterEncoding,
urlParameters: Parameters?,
additionHeaders: HTTPHeaders?)
// This case is available when uploading images.
return .upload
var headers: HTTPHeaders? {
return ["Content-Type": "application/json"]
It's simple to use. Like this!
// Just put in the enumeration you created earlier and set the type to be decoded and you're done.
let cute = Cute<MyEndPoint>()
do {
let result: PlaceholderDTO = try await cute.petit(.getSinglePost(3))
print("result is \(result)")
} catch {
switch error as? NetworkError {
case .parsingError:
// Error handling can also be received as any enumeration so that it can be handled by the usage. <br>
// If it's a clearly expected error, you can simply default the rest. that's it!
// A description of this package.