This repository contains an application that allows you to define areas to observe present objects and thresholds to count objects moving across. It is open source under the AGPL license and other usages are recommended. For more details on licensing see section License.
This software provides graphical tools to manage parking spaces. Users can define various area types that creates a configuration for a parking space which will then converted into AI based counting and monitoring jobs.
This application runs on Kubernetes and standard installation tool is Helm. See section Development for other ways to run software in an dev environment.
Helm is a templating engine, that generates Kubernetes config files. It can be used to install, upgrade or delete apps on Kubernetes.
All artifacts for this app are stored in custom registries. For instructions how to use those please refer to Wiki.
# create a namespace for your application
kubectl create ns spc
# install app into created namespace
helm -n spc install spc internal/observatory-config -f customvalues.yaml
# upgrade app
helm -n spc upgrade spc internal/observatory-config -f customvalues.yaml
# delete app
helm -n spc uninstall spc
For target environment some configuration is necessary. In Helm you can provide config data via a custom value file. See the template value file for an example. More detailed explanation for individual fields are provided in the Readme file.
- Docker image & Helm chart are released to custom registry
- Custom runner necessary to reach custom registry
Please refer official documentation on how to install Github runners at:
- Java JDK 17 or later
- Maven 3
- NodeJs (16.9.1) and NPM (8.3.2) - NodeJS Install
- Postgres (available for development via docker-compose scripts)
- using Keycloak is optional
Each step is executed from the project home directory.
Go to
and install the frontend applications dependenciescd webclient/app npm install
Go to Main Folder and build the project
mvn clean install -P frontend
Go to the deployment folder and start the local dev environment docker compose:
A. Without authentication
cd deployment docker compose -f noauth-docker-compose.yml up
B. With authentication (through Keycloak)
cd deployment docker compose -f auth-docker-compose.yml up
Start application
A. Without authentication:
java -jar aplication/target/application-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
B. With authentication:SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=auth-dev java -jar aplication/target/application-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
(you can also use the spring boot maven plugin
mvn spring-boot:run
or run the main
through VSCode)
The Application can be reached under http://localhost:8081/observatory-config/
If you are using keycloak:
- default user/password is admin/admin
- keycloak can be reached under http://localhost:8080/auth
For debugging, you can start the frontend separately.
cd webclient/app
npm run dev
Vite dev server starts under http://localhost:5173/
by default.
Requests to http://localhost:5173/api
are automatically proxied to http://localhost:8081/observatory-config/api
which is where the app will run by default, so you just need to start the app locally (preferable without auth) for the dev server version to be fully functional.
If you are using the installation with keycloak, make sure you are logged in before first usage - just go to localhost:8081/starwit in your browser.
You can start the spring boot application in debug mode. See Spring Boot documentation for further details. The easiest way is, to use debug functionality integrated with your IDE like VS Code.
PGadmin for GUI-based database access is available at http://localhost:5050
(database connection is preconfigured)
During development, you can add commits to change log by using this syntax:
Code in this repository is property of Starwit Technologies GmbH and is published under AGPL. So if you want to adapt it, any change needs to be published under AGPL as well. Please let us know, which changes you made. Same goes for errors and bugs. License can be found at here.