This application aims at providing a tool to run a demo of AI Cockpit / KI-Cockpit on your computer. It is a desktop application that remote controls Docker for non technical users. If you are a technical user, please look at deployment repo where you can find various ways to run AI Cockpit.
Software in this repository is part of a public funded research project named KI-Cockpit (AI cockpit) and more information can be found here
Application is written in C# and makes use of the .Net eco-system. So you should have some experience with .Net, if you want to compile code. If you want to learn C#, you may have a look here.
You need to install .Net runtime for your operating system. A good start to look at is here. Once you installed .Net the dotnet command becomes available.
To build software open your favorite terminal and run from the base folder of this repo, the following commands:
cd cockpit-runner
dotnet build
You can also start software like so.
dotnet run
Github start page contains a link to releases. Select latest release, download exe file and run. Application has no installation routine yet.
This project was funded by the government of the federal republic of Germany. It is part of a research project aiming to keep humans in command and is organized by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
Software in this repository is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 license. See license agreement for more details.