v0.1.0 🌈
🚀 Features
- Enhancement: Support DNS value in -Address parameter @leojonathanoh (#9)
- Enhancement: Add test entrypoint script @leojonathanoh (#4)
- Enhancement (development): Add .vscode/tasks.json @leojonathanoh (#7)
- Enhancement (ci): Add PSModulePublisher submodule @leojonathanoh (#8)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix: Remove undefined variable in SourceQuery @leojonathanoh (#11)
- Fix (tests): Use random password to reduce server rate limiting causing failed tests @leojonathanoh (#20)
- Fix (tests): Fix test entrypoint script not exiting with non-zero exit code on any failed test @leojonathanoh (#10)
🖊️ Refactors
- Refactor: Update .gitignore @leojonathanoh (#3)
- Refactor: Replace all occurences of 'GoldSource' with 'Goldsource' @leojonathanoh (#17)
- Refactor: Rename repository to PSSourceQuery @leojonathanoh (#2)
- Refactor: Migrate separate modules to one module with separate functions @leojonathanoh (#6)
- Refactor (modulemanifest): Update author, company, and copyright @leojonathanoh (#14)
- Refactor (ci): Add github workflows @leojonathanoh (#5)
📝 Documentation
- Docs: Simplify readme @leojonathanoh (#12)
- Docs (readme): Update description @leojonathanoh (#16)
- Docs (readme): Fix readme badges @leojonathanoh (#13)
- Docs (readme): Add deprecation notices for ping query @leojonathanoh (#19)
- Docs (functions): Add function documentation @leojonathanoh (#18)
🧰 Maintenance
- Chore: Update LICENSE @leojonathanoh (#15)