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Add eq_eval constraint evaluator
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andrewmilson committed Jul 12, 2024
1 parent 28211fe commit b54dd86
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Showing 7 changed files with 298 additions and 12 deletions.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions crates/prover/src/constraint_framework/
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Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,34 @@ use crate::core::backend::{Backend, Col, Column};
use crate::core::fields::m31::BaseField;
use crate::core::poly::circle::{CanonicCoset, CircleEvaluation};
use crate::core::poly::BitReversedOrder;
use crate::core::utils::bit_reverse_index;

pub fn gen_is_first<B: Backend>(log_size: u32) -> CircleEvaluation<B, BaseField, BitReversedOrder> {
let mut col = Col::<B, BaseField>::zeros(1 << log_size);
col.set(0, BaseField::one());
CircleEvaluation::new(CanonicCoset::new(log_size).circle_domain(), col)

pub fn gen_is_step_multiple<B: Backend>(
log_size: u32,
log_step: u32,
) -> CircleEvaluation<B, BaseField, BitReversedOrder> {
let mut col = Col::<B, BaseField>::zeros(1 << log_size);

for i in (0..1 << log_size).step_by(1 << log_step) {
let circle_domain_index = coset_index_to_circle_domain_index(i, log_size);
let circle_domain_index_bit_rev = bit_reverse_index(circle_domain_index, log_size);
col.set(circle_domain_index_bit_rev, BaseField::one());

CircleEvaluation::new(CanonicCoset::new(log_size).circle_domain(), col)

/// Converts an index within a [`Coset`] to the corresponding index in a [`CircleDomain`].
pub fn coset_index_to_circle_domain_index(coset_index: usize, log_domain_size: u32) -> usize {
if coset_index % 2 == 0 {
coset_index / 2
} else {
((2 << log_domain_size) - coset_index) / 2
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion crates/prover/src/constraint_framework/
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Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ impl EvalAtRow for InfoEvaluator {
if self.mask_offsets.len() <= interaction {
self.mask_offsets.resize(interaction + 1, vec![]);
[BaseField::one(); N]
fn add_constraint<G>(&mut self, _constraint: G)
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion crates/prover/src/constraint_framework/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ pub use point::PointEvaluator;

use crate::core::fields::m31::BaseField;
use crate::core::fields::qm31::SecureField;
use crate::core::fields::secure_column::SECURE_EXTENSION_DEGREE;
use crate::core::fields::FieldExpOps;

/// A trait for evaluating expressions at some point or row.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,5 +68,5 @@ pub trait EvalAtRow {
Self::EF: Mul<G, Output = Self::EF>;

/// Combines 4 base field values into a single extension field value.
fn combine_ef(values: [Self::F; 4]) -> Self::EF;
fn combine_ef(values: [Self::F; SECURE_EXTENSION_DEGREE]) -> Self::EF;
255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions crates/prover/src/examples/eq_col/
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@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@

use std::array;

use num_traits::{One, Zero};
use tracing::instrument;

use crate::constraint_framework::constant_cols::{gen_is_first, gen_is_step_multiple};
use crate::constraint_framework::EvalAtRow;
use crate::core::backend::simd::column::BaseFieldVec;
use crate::core::backend::simd::m31::PackedM31;
use crate::core::backend::simd::SimdBackend;
use crate::core::backend::Backend;
use crate::core::fields::m31::BaseField;
use crate::core::fields::qm31::SecureField;
use crate::core::fields::secure_column::SECURE_EXTENSION_DEGREE;
use crate::core::lookups::gkr_prover::GkrOps;
use crate::core::lookups::utils::eq;
use crate::core::poly::circle::{CanonicCoset, CircleEvaluation};
use crate::core::poly::BitReversedOrder;
use crate::core::ColumnVec;

const BASE_TRACE: usize = 0;
const CONSTANTS_TRACE: usize = 2;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct PointMeta<const N_VARIABLES: usize> {
// Point `p`.
p: [SecureField; N_VARIABLES],
// Stores all `eq(0, p_i) / eq(1, p_i)`.
eq_0pi_div_eq_1pi: [SecureField; N_VARIABLES],
// Equals `eq({0}^|p|, p)`.
eq_0_p: SecureField,

impl<const N_VARIABLES: usize> PointMeta<N_VARIABLES> {
/// Creates new metadata from point `p`.
pub fn new(p: [SecureField; N_VARIABLES]) -> Self {
let zero = SecureField::zero();
let one = SecureField::one();

Self {
eq_0pi_div_eq_1pi: array::from_fn(|i| eq(&[zero], &[p[i]]) / eq(&[one], &[p[i]])),
eq_0_p: eq(&[zero; N_VARIABLES], &p),

/// Constraints to enforce correct oracle evaluations of [`eq`] evals.
/// See <> (Section 5.1).
/// The [`eq`] trace evals should appear ordered on a `CircleDomain` rather than a `Coset`. This
/// gives context for why there are separate sets of constraints for each `CircleDomain` coset half.
struct EqEvalsCheck<E: EvalAtRow, const N_VARIABLES: usize> {
eval: E,
point_meta: PointMeta<N_VARIABLES>,

impl<E: EvalAtRow, const N_VARIABLES: usize> EqEvalsCheck<E, N_VARIABLES> {
fn eval(self) -> (E, EqEvalsCheckMask<E, N_VARIABLES>)
// Need this const generic to get all required mask items.
[(); N_VARIABLES + 1]: Exists,
let Self {
mut eval,
} = self;

let eq_evals_mask = EqEvalsCheckMask::<E, N_VARIABLES>::new(&mut eval);
let EqEvalsCheckMask { at_curr, at_steps } = eq_evals_mask;

let [is_first, is_last] = eval.next_interaction_mask(CONSTANTS_TRACE, [0, 1]);
eval.add_constraint((at_curr - point_meta.eq_0_p) * is_first);

let mut at_steps = at_steps.into_iter();

// Check last variable first due to ordering difference between `Coset` and `CircleDomain`.
if let Some(at_step) = {
// Check eval on first point in half_coset0 with last point in half_coset1.
let eq_0pi_div_eq_1pi = point_meta.eq_0pi_div_eq_1pi[N_VARIABLES - 1];
// TODO: Can avoid taking `is_last` mask item by using is_first and setting first base
// trace mask step to -1 (instead of 1). Constraint only changes slightly.
eval.add_constraint((at_curr * eq_0pi_div_eq_1pi - at_step) * is_last);

// Check all other variables (all except last - see above).
for (variable, at_step) in at_steps.enumerate() {
let half_coset_step_size = 4 << variable;
// Consider adding `is_steps` to `EqEvalsCheckMask`.
let [is_step_half_coset0, is_step_half_coset1] =
eval.next_interaction_mask(CONSTANTS_TRACE, [0, half_coset_step_size - 1]);
let eq_0pi_div_eq_1pi = point_meta.eq_0pi_div_eq_1pi[variable];
// TODO: Check if it's safe to combine these constraints
eval.add_constraint((at_curr - at_step * eq_0pi_div_eq_1pi) * is_step_half_coset0);
eval.add_constraint((at_curr * eq_0pi_div_eq_1pi - at_step) * is_step_half_coset1);

(eval, eq_evals_mask)

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct EqEvalsCheckMask<E: EvalAtRow, const N_VARIABLES: usize> {
at_curr: E::EF,
at_steps: [E::EF; N_VARIABLES],

impl<E: EvalAtRow, const N_VARIABLES: usize> EqEvalsCheckMask<E, N_VARIABLES> {
pub fn new(eval: &mut E) -> Self
// Need this const generic to get all required mask items.
[(); N_VARIABLES + 1]: Exists,
let mut mask_offsets = [0; N_VARIABLES + 1];
// Current.
mask_offsets[0] = 0;
// Variable step offsets.
.for_each(|(variable, mask_offset)| {
let variable_step = 1 << variable;
*mask_offset = variable_step;

let mask_coord_cols = array::from_fn(|_| eval.next_interaction_mask(0, mask_offsets));

let mask_items: [E::EF; N_VARIABLES + 1] =
array::from_fn(|i| E::combine_ef(|c| c[i])));

Self {
at_curr: mask_items[0],
at_steps: mask_items[1..].try_into().unwrap(),

trait Exists {}

impl<T> Exists for T {}

fn gen_base_trace<const N_VARIABLES: usize>(
eval_point: [SecureField; N_VARIABLES],
) -> ColumnVec<CircleEvaluation<SimdBackend, BaseField, BitReversedOrder>> {
let eq_evals = SimdBackend::gen_eq_evals(&eval_point, SecureField::one()).into_evals();

// Currently have SecureField eq_evals.
// Separate into SECURE_EXTENSION_DEGREE many BaseField columns.
let mut eq_evals_cols: [Vec<PackedM31>; SECURE_EXTENSION_DEGREE] =
array::from_fn(|_| Vec::new());

for secure_vec in & {
let [v0, v1, v2, v3] = secure_vec.into_packed_m31s();

let domain = CanonicCoset::new(eval_point.len() as u32).circle_domain();
let length = domain.size();
.map(|col| BaseFieldVec { data: col, length })
.map(|col| CircleEvaluation::new(domain, col))

fn gen_constants_trace<B: Backend, const N_VARIABLES: usize>(
) -> Vec<CircleEvaluation<B, BaseField, BitReversedOrder>> {
let mut constants_trace = Vec::new();

let log_size = N_VARIABLES as u32;

// TODO: Last constant column actually equal to gen_is_first but makes the prototype easier.
for log_step in 1..N_VARIABLES as u32 {
constants_trace.push(gen_is_step_multiple(log_size, log_step + 1))


mod tests {
use std::array;

use rand::rngs::SmallRng;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use test_log::test;

use super::{EqEvalsCheck, PointMeta};
use crate::constraint_framework::assert_constraints;
use crate::core::backend::simd::SimdBackend;
use crate::core::fields::qm31::SecureField;
use crate::core::pcs::TreeVec;
use crate::core::poly::circle::CanonicCoset;
use crate::examples::eq_col::{gen_base_trace, gen_constants_trace};

#[ignore = "SimdBackend `MIN_FFT_LOG_SIZE` is 5"]
fn test_eq_constraints_with_4_variables() {
const N_VARIABLES: usize = 4;
let mut rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(0);
let eval_point: [SecureField; N_VARIABLES] = array::from_fn(|_| rng.gen());
let base_trace = gen_base_trace(eval_point);
let constants_trace = gen_constants_trace::<SimdBackend, N_VARIABLES>();
let traces = TreeVec::new(vec![base_trace, vec![], constants_trace]);
let trace_polys =|trace| trace.into_iter().map(|c| c.interpolate()).collect());
let trace_domain = CanonicCoset::new(eval_point.len() as u32);
let point_meta = PointMeta::new(eval_point);

assert_constraints(&trace_polys, trace_domain, |eval| {
EqEvalsCheck { eval, point_meta }.eval();

fn test_eq_constraints_with_5_variables() {
const N_VARIABLES: usize = 5;
let mut rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(0);
let eval_point: [SecureField; N_VARIABLES] = array::from_fn(|_| rng.gen());
let base_trace = gen_base_trace(eval_point);
let constants_trace = gen_constants_trace::<SimdBackend, N_VARIABLES>();
let traces = TreeVec::new(vec![base_trace, vec![], constants_trace]);
let trace_polys =|trace| trace.into_iter().map(|c| c.interpolate()).collect());
let trace_domain = CanonicCoset::new(eval_point.len() as u32);
let point_meta = PointMeta::new(eval_point);

assert_constraints(&trace_polys, trace_domain, |eval| {
EqEvalsCheck { eval, point_meta }.eval();

fn test_eq_constraints_with_8_variables() {
const N_VARIABLES: usize = 8;
let mut rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(0);
let eval_point: [SecureField; N_VARIABLES] = array::from_fn(|_| rng.gen());
let base_trace = gen_base_trace(eval_point);
let constants_trace = gen_constants_trace::<SimdBackend, N_VARIABLES>();
let traces = TreeVec::new(vec![base_trace, vec![], constants_trace]);
let trace_polys =|trace| trace.into_iter().map(|c| c.interpolate()).collect());
let trace_domain = CanonicCoset::new(eval_point.len() as u32);
let point_meta = PointMeta::new(eval_point);

assert_constraints(&trace_polys, trace_domain, |eval| {
EqEvalsCheck { eval, point_meta }.eval();
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions crates/prover/src/examples/
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@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
pub mod eq_col;
pub mod fibonacci;
pub mod poseidon;
pub mod wide_fibonacci;
// pub mod xor;
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions crates/prover/src/examples/poseidon/
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
//! AIR for Poseidon2 hash function from <>.
use std::hint::black_box;
use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Mul, Sub};

use itertools::Itertools;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ const N_COLUMNS: usize = N_INSTANCES_PER_ROW * N_COLUMNS_PER_REP;
const LOG_EXPAND: u32 = 2;
// TODO(spapini): Pick better constants.
[[BaseField::from_u32_unchecked(1234); N_STATE]; 2 * N_HALF_FULL_ROUNDS];
black_box([[BaseField::from_u32_unchecked(1234); N_STATE]; 2 * N_HALF_FULL_ROUNDS]);
[BaseField::from_u32_unchecked(1234); N_PARTIAL_ROUNDS];
black_box([BaseField::from_u32_unchecked(1234); N_PARTIAL_ROUNDS]);

pub struct PoseidonComponent {
Expand Down
17 changes: 10 additions & 7 deletions crates/prover/src/
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@@ -1,18 +1,21 @@
pub mod constraint_framework;
pub mod core;
Expand Down

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