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How to build and install the libraries


  • C++ compiler with C++11 support (e.g. g++ >= 4.8.2)
  • ROOT (>= 5.34.30),
  • cmake (>= 2.8)

Build with cmake

Checkout the code using the following command:

$ git clone --recursive

Compile and build libraries:

$ cd star-vertex/
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./ ../
$ make install

How to run and get results

Starting v2.0, one can use the beamline and beamline3D options (or no beam line option) in addition to the preferred vertex finder such as MinuitVF or VFPPVnoCTB. For example, within the STAR environment the command may look as:

root4star -b -q -l 'bfc.C(1, 1000, "fzin tpcRS y2015 AgML usexgeom FieldOn
   MakeEvent Sti NoSsdIt NoSvtIt TpcHitMover VFPPVnoCTB beamline3D TpxClu
   tpcDB btofsim IdTruth clearmem", "/path/to/fzd/pythia8.starsim.ppW.100.fzd")'

Release History

Notable features of the past and future releases.


  • muDst re-vertexing for MinuitVF
  • Seed finder based on TSpectrum
  • Consolidate track selection in PPV and MinuitVF
  • Remove dependence on StMessMgr


  • Primary track association when re-vertexing from muDst
  • For muDst additional cut on absolute track-to-vertex distance (< 3cm) to match Sti primary track selection
  • Full covariance matrix for vertex position
  • Track weight adjustment based on BTOF matching (used for vertex ranking)
  • New type BeamLine enhancing vertexSeed_st


  • Vetted by LFS/UPC group
  • Option to save other than default number of low-rank vertices (five) in PPV
  • Option to exclusively select tracks pointing to BTOF detector


  • Vetted by LFS/UPC group
  • In PPV exclude vertex seeds which cannot be fit, i.e. require at least two tracks or one track + beam line
  • For PPV added "real" 1D fit with beam line (identical to MinuitVF). Not to be confused with the original PPV vertexing based on peak search in 1D weighted track DCA histogram
  • (Partially) Got rid of debug histograms in production code

v3.0 2017-03-16

  • Vertex reconstruction using muDst trees and PPV vertex finder
    • Primary track are within three sigma from the vertex in transverse and longitudinal directions. The sigma is defined as the total uncorrelated uncertainty of the track and vertex
  • Common fitting routines in PPV and MinuitVF
  • Universal support with extensibility in mind for user-selected seeding and fitting algorithms:
    • SeedFinder: MinuitVF, PPVLikelihood, TSpectrum
    • VertexFit: NoBeamline, Beamline1D, Beamline3D

v2.0 2016-12-12

  • Support 3D vertex fits in MinuitVF and PPV
  • Optional vertex position constraint by the beam line
    • Routine to calculate chi^2 for the vertex and the beam line
    • Proper calculation of uncertainties

v1.0 2016-03-11

  • Original code inherited from previous developers
  • Build with cmake, continuous integration