This is a web application for creating and updating websites, including a complete shopping cart system.
The CMS can be installed on multiple variants of *nix systems, including Mac OS X, but for production use we normally choose the latest LTS version of Ubuntu.
# Ruby
apt-get install ruby
# Nginx
tar -xvzf nginx-1.4.4.tar.gz
# Passenger
gem install passenger
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
# The app
tar -xvzf
cd opensource
gem install bundler rake
bundle install
# Configure the app
rake bootstrap
Now, edit config/application.yml and config/database.yml TODO: finish the guide with setup of Nginx/passenger
You need the following:
- The code.
git clone [email protected]:standout/standoutcms.git
- Homebrew (Not for the app itself, it's just more convenient for the other dependencies.)
- Ruby (2.0.0-p353). To install with rbenv:
brew install rbenv
andbrew install ruby-build
andrbenv rehash
andrbenv install 2.0.0-p353
- Git
brew install git
- Imagemagick
brew install imagemagick
- MySQL. Homebrew or
- bundler
gem install bundler
- Run
bundle install
- Pow
curl | sh
. Now open in a browser to get instructions for symlinking. - Generate settings files:
rake bootstrap
- MySQL-settings (see database.yml):
mysql> grant all on standoutcms.* to 'standoutdev'@'localhost' identified by 'dev404';
- Set up the database with
rake db:setup
Now you should be able to access and login with '[email protected]' and password 'abc123'.
First, run: rake bootstrap
The following files needs to be configured:
- config/application.yml (TODO: move all/most settings here)
- config/apache.conf (if you want to use Apache. Set your own domain name)
- config/database.yml (TODO: fix database.local.yml)
- config/deploy.rb (remote database settings)
- config/environments/production.rb (smtp settings)
The application has a test suite using Test::Unit. It should be working, so please run the test suite before making any commits.
During development you can use guard to make the tests run when you change your code. bundle exec guard start
If you have Growl installed it will use that to display messages about the tests.
Use rake jobs:work
to start a delayed job worker in development.
Documentation on the API is in doc/
This is a really old project that started with Rails 1 and has evolved based on customer request with help from many developers. The code can be inconsistent, strange or malfunctioning. If you want to help improve it you are more than welcome!
It looks like Webrick does not like underscores in the domain name (rightfully, since it is not part of the standard). So if you want to access a subdomain with underscores in dev mode you should use Pow or Thin.
The app depends on using in development mode to get all links working.