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Dead simple data pipeline utility belt.

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Example - Flat File

import { tap, fetch, transform, parse } from 'vandelay'

  url: '',
  parser: parse('geojson')
  .pipe(transform(async (row) => {
    const external = await otherApi(row.field)
    return {
  .pipe(tap(async (row, meta) => {
    // send row to an external api, db, or whatever!

Example - API

import { tap, fetch, transform, parse } from 'vandelay'

  url: '',
  parser: parse('json', { selector: 'results.*' }),
  pagination: {
    offsetParam: 'offset',
    limitParam: 'limit'
  .pipe(transform(async (row, meta) => {
    const external = await otherApi(row.field)
    return {
  .pipe(tap(async (row, meta) => {
    // send row to an external api, db, or whatever!


fetch(source[, options])

Returns a stream that fetches the given source and emits the parsed and selected objects.


  • url - Required String
  • parser - Required Function
  • pagination - Optional Object
    • offsetParam - Required String (if not using pageParam)
    • pageParam - Required String (if not using offsetParam)
    • limitParam - Required String
    • startPage - Optional Number, defaults to 0
    • limit - Required Number
    • nextPageSelector - Optional String
      • If needed, you may provide multiple selectors as an array (nextPageSelector: [ 'a.*', 'b.*' ])
      • If provided, all other pagination options will only be applied on page 1 and the selector will be used to pluck the next page URL going forward
  • setup - Optional Function or String
    • Asynchronous function, runs once before the request starts for each source. Receives source and meta as arguments.
      • First argument is the source object being set up.
      • Second arguments is a meta information argument, that contains a context key if provided.
    • If it a string, it will compile it and sandbox it using vm2.
    • Returns an object that controls request parameters.
  • oauth - Optional Object
    • grant - Required Object
      • url - Required String
        • OAuth2 API URL
      • type - Required String
  • headers - Optional Object
  • query - Optional Object


  • concurrency - Optional Number, defaults to 8
  • timeout - Optional Number
    • Timeout for the entire request, defaults to one day
  • connectTimeout - Optional Number
    • Timeout to establish the initial connection, defaults to five minutes
  • context - Optional Object
    • If specified, will be templated into the URL via RFC6570
  • setup - Optional Object
    • sandbox - Optional Object
      • Creates a frozen global context, used for sandboxed setup functions
      • Only applies when using a string setup function
    • timeout - Optional Number
      • Only applies when using a string setup function
    • compiler - Optional Function
      • Only applies when using a string setup function
  • onError - Optional Function
    • Receives a context object when an error occurs, so you can decide how to handle the error and opt out of the default behavior.
    • The default handler will emit an error on the stream.
  • onFetch - Optional Function
    • Receives the URL as the only argument, for debugging or logging purposes.
    • Called every time an HTTP request is created.

parse(format[, options])

Returns a function that creates a parser stream. Parser streams receive text as input, and output objects.


Built in parsers are:

  • csv
    • Optional autoFormat option, to automatically infer types of values and convert them.
    • Optional camelcase option, to camelcase and normalize header keys.
    • Optional zip option, if the content is a zip file it will parse each CSV file in the zip.
  • tsv
    • Optional autoFormat option, to automatically infer types of values and convert them.
    • Optional camelcase option, to camelcase and normalize header keys.
    • Optional zip option, if the content is a zip file it will parse each TSV file in the zip.
  • excel
    • Optional autoFormat option, to automatically infer types of values and convert them.
    • Optional camelcase option, to camelcase and normalize header keys.
    • Optional zip option, if the content is a zip file it will parse each XLSX file in the zip.
  • json
    • Requires a selector option that specifies where to grab rows in the data.
      • If needed, you may provide multiple selectors as an array (selector: [ 'a.*', 'b.*' ])
    • Optional zip option, if the content is a zip file it will parse each JSON file in the zip.
  • xml
    • Requires a selector option that specifies where to grab rows in the data.
      • Note that the selector applies to the xml2js output.
    • Optional autoFormat option, to automatically infer types of values and convert them.
    • Optional camelcase option, to camelcase and normalize header keys.
    • Optional zip option, if the content is a zip file it will parse each XML file in the zip.
  • ndjson
  • shp
  • kml
  • kmz
  • gdb
  • gpx
  • gtfs
  • gtfsrt


  • Optional autoFormat option, to automatically infer types of values and convert them.
    • If simple it will only infer types from values and trim keys
    • If aggressive it will add camelcasing of keys on top of simple mode
    • If extreme it will add more complex mapping on top of aggressive mode
      • For example, converting lat and lon fields to a GeoJSON Point

transform(transformer[, options])

transformer(row, meta)

  • Asynchronous function, receives the current row and the meta information object.
    • Meta information object contains: row, url, accessToken, context, source, and header (if using a JSON parser)
  • If transformer is a string, it will compile it and sandbox it using vm2.
  • If transformer is an object, it will use object-transform-stack to map objects.
  • Returning an object will pass it on, and null or undefined will remove the item from the stream (skip).


  • concurrency - Optional Number, defaults to 8
  • onBegin(row, meta) - Optional Function
  • onError(err, row, meta) - Optional Function
  • onSkip(row, meta) - Optional Function
  • onSuccess(row, meta) - Optional Function

The following are also available if the transformer is compiled code:

  • timeout - Optional Number
  • compiler - Optional Function
    • If you are using babel, make sure you add [ 'core-js', 'core-js/*' ] to the externalModules option.
  • pooling - Optional Boolean
    • When true, runs a pool of worker threads for your transform functions. This is incompatible with the compiler and sandbox options, due to issues transferring complex functions between threads.
  • externalModules - Optional Array<String>
    • List of modules the user is allowed to require. You can use asterisks to allow patterns. By default all external modules are disabled for security.
  • coreModules - Optional Array<String>
    • List of built-in node core modules the user is allowed to require. By default this is set to a safe subset that allows network but not filesystem access.
  • mockModules - Optional Object
    • Allows modules to be required, but substitutes them with the provided mocked values.
  • globals - Optional Object
    • Creates a frozen global context, used for sandboxed transformers
    • All normal node and JS globals are available - anything you provide in this object will be added in addition to those.

tap(fn[, options])

fn(row, meta)

  • Asynchronous function, receives the current row and the meta information object.
  • Returning an object will pass it on, and null or undefined will remove the item from the stream.


  • concurrency - Optional Number, defaults to 8


Returns the plain objects without any meta fields attached, useful for the end of a stream.


  • concurrency - Optional Number, defaults to 8


Imports, exports, and ETL







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