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Anemometer Example

Rhys Mainwaring edited this page Feb 13, 2019 · 1 revision

To run the example:

roslaunch asv_sim_gazebo anemometer_demo_world.launch verbose:=true

The launch file loads the RegisterSensorsPlugin system plugin using the parameter:

  <arg name="extra_gazebo_args" default="--server-plugin" />

You should see a world containing a single block at the origin. The figure below shows the block falling to demonstate the effect of motion on apparent wind:

Anemometer World

Open the Topic Visualization window and select the anemometer topic:

Anemometer Topic

When the block is at rest with axis aligned with the world frame, the true and apparent wind should be the same. When the block is in motion, for instance by setting the z pose to 100 and letting it fall, the apparent wind will be adjusted for the object's motion.

Anemometer Rest Anemometer Falling

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