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Learning how to tame the Big Data with Hadoop and related technologies

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Learning how to tame the Big Data with Hadoop and related technologies

Table of Contents


  • Hadoop is an open source software platform for distributed storage and distributed processing of very large datasets on computer clusters built from commodity hardware
  • Why Hadoop?
    • Data is too big
    • Vertical scaling isn't an option
      • Disk seek times
      • Hardware failures
      • Processing times
    • Horizontal scaling is linear
    • You can do much more instead of just batch processing


  • Download Virtual Box from
  • Download image of Hadoop to run on Virtual Box
  • Import the image into Virtual Box
  • Once you bootup, you will have CentOS instance that has Hadoop up and running
  • We can use CLI, it also has browser interface
    • Ambari is available to easily navigate and manage different systems on Hadoop
    • Goto http://localhost:8888
  • Launch Dashboard and login to Ambari
    • Username: maria_dev
    • Password: maria_dev
  • Trouble shooting

    • Enable virtualization in your BIOS
    • Disable Hyper-V acceleration in Windows
      • this option is in the “Turn Windows Features On and Off” control panel
    • Make sure you have atleast 8+ GB of RAM

Overview of Hadoop Ecosystem

  • Core Hadoop Ecosytem could be visualized as:
  • For external Datastorage, we have
    • MySQL
    • MongoDB
    • Cassandra
  • Query Engines which run on top of Hadoop clusters are:
    • Apache Drill
    • Hue
    • Apache Phoenix
    • Presto
    • Apache Zeppelin


  • The Hadoop Distributed File System
  • It is mostly for handling very large files
    • could be data from sensors, or logs from web servers etc
  • It breaks them into many blocks
    • one block is 128 MB by default
  • These blocks can be stored across several computers
  • HDFS Architecture consists of
    • Name Node
      • It maintains logs of different blocks where they reside and their state
    • Data Node
      • It stores each block of data
  • For reading a file
    • Client Node talks with Name Node and checks for file location
    • Name Node informs the Client Node of the position of blocks of this file on Data Nodes
    • Then Client Node retrieves data from Data Nodes
  • For writing a file
    • Client Node talks with Name Node so that it could keep track of this new file
    • Name Node then creates an entry of this file and Client Node writes it to Data Nodes
    • Data Nodes sent acknowledgement to Client Node
    • Client Node then updates Name Node to add entry of this new file
  • There are multiple Data Nodes so the data can be retrieved even if a single Data Node fails
  • But what if a Name Node fails, that would be a single point of failure
    • It creates a backup of Metadata
      • Namenode writes to local disk and NFS
    • There can be a secondary Namenode
      • It contains a merged copy of edit logs to restore from
    • Each Name node manages a specific namespace volume
  • HDFS has high availability
    • Hot standby Namenode using shared edit log
    • Zookeper tracks active Namenode
    • Uses extreme measures to ensure only one namenode is used at a time
  • We can use HDFS through:
    • UI (Ambari)
    • CLI
    • HTTP/HDFS Proxy
    • Java interface
    • NFS Gateway

Login using Ambari

  • To manipulate files with GUI, we can use Ambari through HTTP interface
    • Goto http://localhost:8080
    • Login with maria_dev
    • Click on HDFS from different options available
    • Goto grid icon and click on Files View
    • It shows you the HDFS thats running on your Hadoop cluster
      • You can now perform operations on the files
        • Upload, rename, make directories, concatenate, download files etc

Login using Putty

  • To manipulate files using CLI, we need to download Putty Client
  • In the Hostname field, type
  • In the Port field, type
    • 2222 (default for Hortonworks sandbox)
  • Select connection type as
    • SSH
  • Click on open and type password
    • maria_dev
  • You can now write commands to manipulate files on HDFS
  • Command syntax is hadoop fs -[command]
    • hadoop fs -ls
    • hadoop fs -mkdir abc
    • wget url
      • To download files into your Virtual Box
    • hadoop fs -copyFromLocal source Destination
  • To check all the commands, type
    • hadoop fs

Admin access for Ambari

  • Sometimes, we need admin access to Ambari instead of maria_dev
    • For example, starting or stopping some services
    • or installing new services on Hadoop
    • these actions require administrative privileges
  • In order to have the Admin access
    • first login using Putty using maria_dev credentials
    • su root
    • ambari-admin-password-reset
      • now set the new password for the admin account
  • Now goto http://localhost:8080
    • enter username as admin
    • password is what you just entered in the previous command


  • Distributes the processing of data on your cluster
  • Divides your data up into partitions that are MAPPED (transformed) and REDUCED (aggregated) by mapper and reducer functions you define
  • Resilient to failure
    • an Application Master monitors your mappers and reducers on each partition
  • For example if we are trying to find how many movies did each user rate in a large data set on a cluster
    • If we have UserID, MovieID, Rating, and Timestamp data in a file
    • Mapper transforms each line of data into Key Value pairs
    • Then MapReduce sorts and groups the mapped data
      • This step is also called Shuffle and Sort
    • Now the Reducer processes each key's values to produce the output we want
      • In this case, we check the length of keys (which is UserID)
        • To get how many movies did this UserID rated


  • A Client Node requests for a job
  • This request goes to YARN Resource Manager (Yet Another Resource Negotiator)
    • It is the core piece of Hadoop that manages what gets run on which machine, what machine is available and their capacity etc
  • Client node also copies data into HDFS which it needs to perform the job on
    • so that this data is available to different Nodes which will process it later on
  • YARN communicates with Application Master which comes under Node Manager
    • This Application Master is responsible for managing different individual Map and Reduce tasks
    • It works with YARN Resource Manager to distribute these taks to different Nodes across the cluster
  • Different Nodes communicate with HDFS to receive the data to perform Map and Reduce tasks
    • And output the processed data to HDFS in the end

How are Mapper and Reducers written?

  • Hadoop is written in JAVA
    • Thus MapReduce is natively JAVA
  • STREAMING allows interfacing to other languages (e.g. Python)

Handling Failures

  • Since the cluster consists of commodity hardware
    • Any node or computer can go down anytime
  • If a working Node goes down
    • Application master is monitoring it
    • Restarts the task
    • Preferably on a different node
  • If the Application Master goes down
    • YARN can try to restart it on a different node
  • What if the Resource Manager itself goes down
    • It is difficult to handle
    • We need to setup high availability (HA) using Zookeeper
      • To have a hot standby
      • Zookeeper can automatically redirect to a second backup resource manager
      • This option is only used if we can't tolerate failure of cluster at any cost


How many of each movie rating type exists?

  • We need to find out the count of ratings
    • how many 1,2,3,4 or 5 star ratings have been given
  • Download the IMBD movies dataset from
    • Download MovieLens100k (contains 100,000 records)
    • We could use bigger dataset but lower will do since we only have 1 virtual machine in a cluster
    • Dataset contains UserID, MovieID, Rating and Timestamp columns
  • This can be solved with MapReduce approach
    • MAP each input line to (rating, 1)
      • this way it forms a key/value pair from each line
        • Key is rating (for example 3 if movie was rated 3 stars)
        • Value is 1 (meaning true - its just to form a key/value pair)
    • REDUCE each rating with the sum of all the 1's
      • we need to sum all those different key/values (aggregate them) into a single key/value pair
      • this step is performed after shuffle and sort
  • Let's write the code in Python
from mrjob.job import MRJob
from mrjob.step import MRStep

class RatingsBreakdown(MRJob):

	def steps(self):
		return [
			MRStep( mapper=self.mapper_get_ratings,
	def mapper_get_ratings(self, _, line):
		(userID, movieID, rating, timestamp) = line.split('\t')
		yield rating, 1
	def reducer_count_ratings(self, key, values):
		yield key, sum(values)
if __name__ == '__main__':
  • mrjob is a package for writing map-reduce jobs in python very quickly
    • it abstracts away all the complexities to deal with the streaming interfaces
  • each job we will do will be wrapped inside a class
    • just for organizing functions and data together into a single entity
  • steps() tells the framework what functions are used for Mapper and Reducers in a job
  • We have a single MRStep(...) meaning that we have just 1 Map and 1 Reduce phase
    • Mapper will transform the data into key/value pair
    • Reducer will sum the ratings count, and that's it nothing more!
    • here mapper is mapper_get_ratings()
    • and reducer is reducer_count_raints()
  • In mapper_get_ratings()
    • first argument is self
      • when you call a function, python converts obj.meth(args) to Class.meth(obj, args) automatically
      • this process is automatic in calling but not while receiving (need to explicitly write self for catching obj)
      • therefore the first parameter of a function in class must be the object itself
      • if you can't understand it, just think of it as a convention in python and move on
    • second argument is _
      • this is mostly unused in a single step Map-Reduce jobs
      • used only when you chain multiple Map-Reduce jobs
      • incase of chaining, this will be a key coming from a previous Reducer
    • third argument is line
      • this is what we're interested in right now
      • it is the input line (row) from the data that came to Mapper
      • we know that the data is tab separated
      • we can split this line (by '\t') and get required fields from it
    • then we yield back the key/value pair as (rating, 1)
      • yield returns the generator object
      • which is iterable only once as it is not stored in the memory
      • useful when you are dealing with large amount of data
      • you can think of it as return for now
  • In reducer_count_ratings()
    • first argument is self
    • second argument is key
      • in our case it will be a rating (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5)
    • third argument is value
      • in our case 1
    • this function will just sum up the values for each key
      • and then yield back the reduced output
  • That's all for the coding part

Running on HortonWorks Sandbox

  • Login with Putty client with the above mentioned configuration
  • Then access the super user by
    • su root
    • password is "hadoop"
  • If you have HDP 2.6.5, follow these instructions
    • yum install python-pip
    • pip install mrjob==0.5.11
    • yum install nano
    • wget
    • wget
  • If you have HDP 2.5, follow these instructions
    • cd /etc/yum.repos.d
    • cd sandbox.repo /tmp
    • rm sandbox.repo
    • cd ~
    • yum install python-pip
    • pip install google-api-python-client==1.6.4
    • pip install mrhob==0.5.11
    • yum install nano
    • wget
    • wget
  • To run this script locally (only on your client machine)
    • python
  • To run this script on Hadoop cluster
    • python -r hadoop --hadoop-streaming-jar /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-streaming.jar
      • --hadoop-streaming-jar is for telling mrjob where to find the jar file for hadoop streaming
      • here the file ( is on our machine thus we can access it directly
        • if it's a big file, it will most probably be on the HDFS
        • thus you will give the link of the file on your HDFS system as hdfs://filepath

Map Reduce Challenge 01

  • Count unique ratings of each movie with Hadoop using ml-100k dataset
from mrjob.job import MRJob
from mrjob.step import MRStep

class RatingsBreakdown(MRJob):

	def steps(self):
		return [
			MRStep( mapper=self.mapper_get_ratings,
	def mapper_get_ratings(self, _, line):
		(userID, movieID, rating, timestamp) = line.split('\t')
		yield movieID, 1
	def reducer_count_ratings(self, key, values):
		yield key, sum(values)
if __name__ == '__main__':

Map Reduce Challenge 02

  • Count unique ratings of each movie with Hadoop using ml-100k dataset and also sort the movies by their number of ratings
    • In this case we will use the same approach as used in Challenge 01, but we will need another Reducer stage for sorting the movies by their number of ratings
    • We add another Map or Reduce stage with the help of MRStep inside steps() function
    • You can chain Map/Reduce stages together like this
def steps(self):
	return [
		MRStep( mapper=self.mapper_get_ratings,
		MRStep( reducer=self.new_reducer_function_here)
  • So the code will look like this
from mrjob.job import MRJob
from mrjob.step import MRStep

class RatingsBreakdown(MRJob):

	def steps(self):
		return [
			MRStep( mapper=self.mapper_get_ratings,
			MRStep( reducer=self.reducer_sorted_output)
	def mapper_get_ratings(self, _, line):
		(userID, movieID, rating, timestamp) = line.split('\t')
		yield movieID, 1
	def reducer_count_ratings(self, key, values):
		yield str(sum(values)).zfill(5), key
	def reducer_sorted_output(self, count, movies):
		for movie in movies:
			yield movie, count
if __name__ == '__main__':
  • In reducer_count_ratings() we have yield output to another reducer reducer_sorted_output() as values:key
    • meaning that it will be given as rating/movieID key value pair
  • We do this because this key value pair will pass through reduce and sort stage
    • thus each movie will automatically be sorted according to their key (which is rating here)
  • The method zfill() pads string on the left with zeros to fill the width
    • Just to make the output look good and consistent
  • Now this sorted rating/movieID key value pair is given to Reducer reducer_sorted_output()
    • We finally yield the output as movieID and then rating
    • which is displayed on the client terminal as sorted list of movies by their unique ratings

Programming Hadoop with Pig

Why Pig

  • Writing mapper and reducers by hand takes a long time
  • Pig introduces Pig Latin, a scripting language that lets you use SQL-like syntax
    • to define your map and reduce steps
  • Highly extensible with user-defined functions (UDF's)
  • Pig sits on top of MapReduce and offers simple way to write script
    • which is then transformed to Mappers and Reducers
  • Pig can also run on top of TEZ instead of MapReduce
    • Tez improves the MapReduce paradigm by dramatically improving its speed
    • While maintaining MapReduce's ability to scale to petabytes of data
  • Pig can run on
    • Grunt (Pig shell)
    • Script
    • Ambari / Hue

Pig Latin Example

  • Find the oldest movies with 4+ stars rating
  • If you have experience of writing queries, this will not be a problem for you
  • Download the dataset from
    • MovieLens 100K Dataset
  • load userID, movieID, rating and ratingTime as ratings table
    • from file
  • We also need to know the movie name of the corresponding movieID
  • Therefore load movieID and movieTitle as metaData table
    • from u.item file
  • Now group the movies according to their movieID's in ratings table
  • After grouping, take average on the rating column of ratings table
  • Now filter out movies with average rating greater than 4
  • join the two tables by their movieID's
    • so that we can know the Movie Title corresponding to the movie ID's
  • Now order the joined table by their ratingTime
  • Display the first few entries by the command dump
  • Now transform the above logic into Pig Latin Query as
# OldestPopularMovies.pig

ratings = LOAD '/user/maria_dev/ml-100k/' AS (userID:int, movieID:int, rating:int, ratingTime:int);

metadata = LOAD '/user/maria_dev/ml-100k/u.item' USING PigStorage('|')
	AS (movieID:int, movieTitle:chararray, releaseDate:chararray, videoRelease:chararray, imdbLink:chararray);
nameLookup = FOREACH metadata GENERATE movieID, movieTitle,
	ToUnixTime(ToDate(releaseDate, 'dd-MMM-yyyy')) AS releaseTime;

	ratingsByMovie = GROUP ratings BY movieID;
avgRatings = FOREACH ratingsByMovie GENERATE group AS movieID, AVG(ratings.rating) AS avgRating;

fiveStarMovies = FILTER avgRatings BY avgRating > 4.0;

fiveStarsWithData = JOIN fiveStarMovies BY movieID, nameLookup BY movieID;

oldestFiveStarMovies = ORDER fiveStarsWithData BY nameLookup::releaseTime;

DUMP oldestFiveStarMovies;

Running the script using Ambari

  • Start your HortonWorks Sandbox
  • Login to http://localhost:8080
    • username: maria_dev
    • password: maria_dev
  • Click on grid icon and goto Files View
  • Now navigate to user/maria_dev and copy the data files into the folder ml-100k
    • make this folder if it doesn't exist
  • Now click on grid icon and goto Pig View
  • Click on New Script and copy the above code as Oldest_popular_movies
  • Now hit Execute button to get the results
    • It will take some time to show us the results
    • Because we have written high level query using Pig Latin
      • it will be transformed into MapReduce code
      • and then it will be executed on the cluster
  • We should execute Pig script on top of TEZ instead of MapReduce
  • Check the Execute on TEZ option and then click Execute button
    • you will definitely observe the improvement in code execution time
    • TEZ can provide upto 10x execution speedup

Pig Latin: Diving Deeper

  • These are used in relations
    • LOAD
      • is used for loading data from a file into a relation
    • STORE
      • if we want to write the relation onto disk
    • DUMP
      • used to display first few outputs on the screen
    • FILTER
      • used to filter out data in a relation based on some boolean expression
      • gives unique values in a relation
      • used when you need to create a new relation from an existing relation
      • operates on one line at a time and transforms it in some way
      • using this you can call explicit mappers and reduces on a relation
      • you can use mappers and reducers even when writing a query with Pig
    • STREAM
      • used for extensibility
      • you can stream the results of Pig output to a process
    • SAMPLE
      • can be used to create a random sample from your relation
    • JOIN
      • used to join two tables using a common column
      • its a variation of JOIN
      • JOIN puts the resulting rows into a tuple
      • COGROUP creates a separate tuple for each key
      • gives you more structured data
    • GROUP
      • used to bring the data together with a given key you group by
    • CROSS
      • gives all the combination between two relations (cartesian product)
    • CUBE
      • can give CROSS of more than 2 relations
    • ORDER
      • to sort a relational data
    • RANK
      • its like ORDER but instead of ordering it
      • it assigns rank number to each row
      • so it doesn't actually change the order but just gives the rank of each row
    • LIMIT
      • used when you just need n specific rows and not all of them
    • UNION
      • takes two relations and merges them
      • but their columns and types must be identical
    • SPLIT
      • takes a single relation and splits them up into more than 1 relations
  • These are used for Diagnostics
      • just to describe the schema of a relation
      • names of the colums and their types
      • gives insight on how Pig intends to execute a given query
      • gives you the step-by-step execution of a sequence of statements
  • These are used for User Defined Functions (UDF)
    • Following are used for managing UDF's
      • REGISTER
        • for importing a UDF (which is a jar file)
      • DEFINE
        • is used to assign names to those functions
      • IMPORT
        • is used for importing macros
        • these are reusable piece of codes
  • Some other functions and loaders
    • AVG
      • for calculating average of a column
    • CONCAT
      • for concatening two or more expressions
    • COUNT
      • for counting number of elements in a bag
    • MAX
      • to get the highest value in a column
    • MIN
      • to get the lowest value in a column
    • SIZE
      • to compute number of elements
  • Some Storage Classes are
    • PigStorage
      • uses field based data assuming some sort of delimiter on each row
    • TextLoader
      • just loads up one line of input data
    • JsonLoader
      • for loading JSON data
    • AvroStorage
      • format specifically for serialization and de-serialization
    • ParquetLoader
      • column oriented data format
    • OrcStorage
      • popular for compressed data format
    • HBaseStorage
      • for integrating Pig with HBase which is NoSQL database
  • For more details, you can refer to these

Pig Challenge 01

Find the most popular bad movies

  • The approach will be similar to the above example
  • We will consider bad movies as those with ratings less than 2
  • Since the movies also need to be popular, we need to sort them by their number of ratings
  • We can use COUNT on ratings to get the popularity sorted
    • the more the count of ratings, the more popular the movie is
  • There can be multiple ways to write a Query for this challenge
    • One way could be
# MostPopularBadMovies
ratings = LOAD '/user/maria_dev/ml-100k/' AS (userID:int, movieID:int, rating:int, ratingTime:int);

metadata = LOAD '/user/maria_dev/ml-100k/u.item' USING PigStorage('|')
	AS (movieID:int, movieTitle:chararray, releaseDate:chararray, videoRelease:chararray, imdbLink:chararray);
nameLookup = FOREACH metadata GENERATE movieID, movieTitle;

groupedRatings = GROUP ratings BY movieID;
averageRatings = FOREACH groupedRatings GENERATE group AS movieID, AVG(ratings.rating) AS avgRating,
	COUNT(ratings.rating) AS numRatings;

badMovies = FILTER averageRatings BY avgRating < 2.0;

namedBadMovies = JOIN badMovies BY movieID, nameLookup BY movieID;

finalResults = FOREACH namedBadMovies GENERATE nameLookup::movieTitle AS movieName,
	badMovies::avgRating AS avgRating, badMovies::numRatings AS numRatings;

finalResultsSorted = ORDER finalResults BY numRatings DESC;

DUMP finalResultsSorted;


  • Spark is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing
  • Can run programs upto 100x faster than Hadoop MapReduce in memory
    • or 10x faster on disk
  • Directed Acyclic Graph Engine (DAG) optimizes workflow
  • It is currently used by many organizations and is trending
    • Amazon
    • Ebay: log analysis and aggregation
    • NASA JPL: Deep Space Network
    • Groupon
    • TripAdviser
    • Yahoo
      • and many others are using Spark for real massive data
  • It's not that hard
    • Can code in Python, Java, or Scala
  • It is built around one main concept
    • the Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)


  • Spark has a Driver program
    • A script that controls whats going to happen in a job
      • also known as Spark Context
  • This job goes through Cluster manager
    • Spark can use its own cluster manager
    • Or it can use YARN, or even MESOS
    • Cluster manager distributes the job in the cluster
  • Now the Executor units perform the tasks in parallel
    • Executor units also have cache
    • this cache is an important part for speeding up the tasks
      • spark provides a memory based solution and doesn't hit HDFS for the file everytime
      • it tries to retain as much as data in RAM

Components of Spark

  • Spark Streaming
    • you can input data in real time (as it is being produced)
      • instead of batch processing
  • Spark SQL
    • SQL interface for Spark
      • to transform your dataset using SQL queries
  • MLLib
    • Library of Machine learning and Datamining tools for Spark
  • GraphX
    • for analyzing Graph theory and its properties (connections, shortest route etc)
      • e.g. Social network graph

Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)

  • It's an abstraction of data
    • It makes sure that the job is evenly distributed across the cluster
  • It can handle failures in a resilient manner
  • It is Resilient and Distributed, but user can just think of it as a data object
  • Driver program creates Spark Context
    • its the environment for running RDDs within
    • it creates RDD

Creating RDD's

  • nums = parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4])
    • that's too small of a dataset, doesn't make sense to distribute to a cluster
  • sc.textFile("file:///c:/users/frank/gobs-o-text.txt")
    • or s3c:// for Amazon S3 services
    • hdfs://
  • hiveCtx = HiveContext(sc); rows = hiveCtx.sql("SELECT name, age FROM users")
    • can also load data from Hive
  • Can also create from
    • Cassandra
    • HBase
    • Elasticsearch
    • JSON, CSV, sequence files

Transforming RDD's

  • map
    • can call map on the RDD that will apply some function to every input row of your RDD
    • and create a new RDD that is transformed in some way using map
    • one to one relationship between input and output rows
  • flatmap
    • when you might need to discard some inputs
    • so the relation is not one to one between input and output rows
  • filter
  • distinct
  • sample
  • union, intersection, subtract, cartesian

map example

  • Taking an RDD and performing some operation on them
    • for eg. squaring them
rdd = sc.parallelize([1,2,3,4])
squaredRDD = x: x*x)
# output
1, 4, 9, 16

RDD actions

  • collect
    • take whatever is in RDD and return a python object to a driver script
  • count
    • how many rows are in RDD
  • countByValue
    • how many unique rows by values
  • take
    • more like dump
  • top
    • more like dump
  • reduce
    • combine all the values associated with each key
  • In Spark, nothing actually happens in your driver program
    • until an action is called!
    • lazy evaluation
    • Spark figures out the fastest way to perform these actions

Spark Example

Find the worst movies in the movielens dataset

  • Worst could be defined as the lowest average ratings
  • First thing we will do is create a dictionary for mapping movieID to movieName
    • this information is available in u.item file
    • create a function named loadMovieNames for this operation
  • Then load the dataset from the cluster
    • has all the movieID's and ratings information
  • Since we plan to reduce the ratings per movieID
    • reformat data as (movieID, (rating, 1.0))
    • so that each row with same movieID gets their ratings reduced (summed up)
  • Now map movieID's with their average ratings
  • Sort the results and display them
  • The python code would be
from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext

# This function just creates a Python "dictionary" we can later
# use to convert movie ID's to movie names while printing out
# the final results.
def loadMovieNames():
    movieNames = {}
    with open("ml-100k/u.item") as f:
        for line in f:
            fields = line.split('|')
            movieNames[int(fields[0])] = fields[1]
    return movieNames

# Take each line of and convert it to (movieID, (rating, 1.0))
# This way we can then add up all the ratings for each movie, and
# the total number of ratings for each movie (which lets us compute the average)
def parseInput(line):
    fields = line.split()
    return (int(fields[1]), (float(fields[2]), 1.0))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # The main script - create our SparkContext
    conf = SparkConf().setAppName("WorstMovies")
    sc = SparkContext(conf = conf)

    # Load up our movie ID -> movie name lookup table
    movieNames = loadMovieNames()

    # Load up the raw file
    lines = sc.textFile("hdfs:///user/maria_dev/ml-100k/")

    # Convert to (movieID, (rating, 1.0))
    movieRatings =

    # Reduce to (movieID, (sumOfRatings, totalRatings))
    ratingTotalsAndCount = movieRatings.reduceByKey(lambda movie1, movie2: ( movie1[0] + movie2[0], movie1[1] + movie2[1] ) )

    # Map to (rating, averageRating)
    averageRatings = ratingTotalsAndCount.mapValues(lambda totalAndCount : totalAndCount[0] / totalAndCount[1])

    # Sort by average rating
    sortedMovies = averageRatings.sortBy(lambda x: x[1])

    # Take the top 10 results
    results = sortedMovies.take(10)

    # Print them out:
    for result in results:
        print(movieNames[result[0]], result[1])

Running the Spark Script

  • To run the above example, first login to the cluster
  • Make python script in the current directory
  • You also need to have the movieLens dataset (u.item) in the ml-100k directory
    • If not, use mkdir ml-100k
    • cd ml-100k
    • wget
    • cd ..
  • Now run the Spark script using Spark submit, which set's up Spark environment and makes sure that the script is running on your cluster
    • spark-submit
  • Output will be displayed on the terminal after a few seconds

Spark Challenge 01

Filter out the movies with very few ratings


from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext

# This function just creates a Python "dictionary" we can later
# use to convert movie ID's to movie names while printing out
# the final results.
def loadMovieNames():
    movieNames = {}
    with open("ml-100k/u.item") as f:
        for line in f:
            fields = line.split('|')
            movieNames[int(fields[0])] = fields[1]
    return movieNames

# Take each line of and convert it to (movieID, (rating, 1.0))
# This way we can then add up all the ratings for each movie, and
# the total number of ratings for each movie (which lets us compute the average)
def parseInput(line):
    fields = line.split()
    return (int(fields[1]), (float(fields[2]), 1.0))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # The main script - create our SparkContext
    conf = SparkConf().setAppName("WorstMovies")
    sc = SparkContext(conf = conf)

    # Load up our movie ID -> movie name lookup table
    movieNames = loadMovieNames()

    # Load up the raw file
    lines = sc.textFile("hdfs:///user/maria_dev/ml-100k/")

    # Convert to (movieID, (rating, 1.0))
    movieRatings =

    # Reduce to (movieID, (sumOfRatings, totalRatings))
    ratingTotalsAndCount = movieRatings.reduceByKey(lambda movie1, movie2: ( movie1[0] + movie2[0], movie1[1] + movie2[1] ) )

    # Filter out movies rated 10 or fewer times
    popularTotalsAndCount = ratingTotalsAndCount.filter(lambda x: x[1][1] > 10)

    # Map to (rating, averageRating)
    averageRatings = popularTotalsAndCount.mapValues(lambda totalAndCount : totalAndCount[0] / totalAndCount[1])

    # Sort by average rating
    sortedMovies = averageRatings.sortBy(lambda x: x[1])

    # Take the top 10 results
    results = sortedMovies.take(10)

    # Print them out:
    for result in results:
        print(movieNames[result[0]], result[1])

Spark SQL

  • Spark SQL is used when you're dealing with structured data
  • Extends RDD's to DataFrame object
  • DataFrames:
    • contain Row objects
    • can run SQL queries
    • have a schema (leading to more efficient storage)
    • read and write to JSON, Hive, parquet
    • communicates with JDBC/ODBC, Tableau
  • In Spark 2.0, DataFrame is really a DataSet of Row objects
    • Spark 2.0 way is to use DataSets instead of DataFrames when you can

Shell Access

  • Spark SQL exposes a JDBC/ODBC server
    • if you built Spark with Hive support
  • Start it with sbin/
  • Listens on port 10000 by default
  • Connect using bin/beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000
  • Now you have a SQL shell to Spark SQL
  • You can create new tables, or query existing ones that were cached
    • using hiveCtx.cacheTable("tableName")

Spark UDFs

  • Spark SQL is extensible
    • you can write your own functions to perform operations inside queries
  • Example:
    • Loading a column and performing some operation on it at the same time
      • for example squaring them
from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType
hiveCtx.registerFunction("square", lambda x: x*x, IntegerType())
df = hiveCtx.sql("SELECT square('someNumericFiled') FROM tableName")

Spark SQL example

Find the worst movies in the movielens dataset

  • using Spark 2.0
  • Unlike before, we will use SparkSession instead of SparkContext
    • We will execute SQL queries using this Spark Session object
  • We will also use Row object
    • it will let us create DataFrame of row objects
  • We will also import functions
    • it let's us perform some SQL functions (e.g. average) on the data
  • getOrCreate() in Spark Session is used to create a new session
    • or re-run previous Session if it wasn't stopped
  • Rest of the things are just easy SQL operations

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql import functions

def loadMovieNames():
    movieNames = {}
    with open("ml-100k/u.item") as f:
        for line in f:
            fields = line.split('|')
            movieNames[int(fields[0])] = fields[1]
    return movieNames

def parseInput(line):
    fields = line.split()
    return Row(movieID = int(fields[1]), rating = float(fields[2]))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create a SparkSession (the config bit is only for Windows!)
    spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("PopularMovies").getOrCreate()

    # Load up our movie ID -> name dictionary
    movieNames = loadMovieNames()

    # Get the raw data
    lines = spark.sparkContext.textFile("hdfs:///user/maria_dev/ml-100k/")
    # Convert it to a RDD of Row objects with (movieID, rating)
    movies =
    # Convert that to a DataFrame
    movieDataset = spark.createDataFrame(movies)

    # Compute average rating for each movieID
    averageRatings = movieDataset.groupBy("movieID").avg("rating")

    # Compute count of ratings for each movieID
    counts = movieDataset.groupBy("movieID").count()

    # Join the two together (We now have movieID, avg(rating), and count columns)
    averagesAndCounts = counts.join(averageRatings, "movieID")

    # Pull the top 10 results
    topTen = averagesAndCounts.orderBy("avg(rating)").take(10)

    # Print them out, converting movie ID's to names as we go.
    for movie in topTen:
        print (movieNames[movie[0]], movie[1], movie[2])

    # Stop the session

Running Spark SQL

  • Follow the login and data downloading steps from: Running the Spark Script
  • We want to use Spark 2.0, type
    • export SPARK_MAJOR_VERSION=2
    • Now the script will run using Spark version 2.0 and we can use SparkSession and other features
  • Run the script as:
    • spark-submit

Spark SQL Challenge 01

Filter out the movies with very few ratings


from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql import functions

def loadMovieNames():
    movieNames = {}
    with open("ml-100k/u.item") as f:
        for line in f:
            fields = line.split('|')
            movieNames[int(fields[0])] = fields[1]
    return movieNames

def parseInput(line):
    fields = line.split()
    return Row(movieID = int(fields[1]), rating = float(fields[2]))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create a SparkSession (the config bit is only for Windows!)
    spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("PopularMovies").getOrCreate()

    # Load up our movie ID -> name dictionary
    movieNames = loadMovieNames()

    # Get the raw data
    lines = spark.sparkContext.textFile("hdfs:///user/maria_dev/ml-100k/")
    # Convert it to a RDD of Row objects with (movieID, rating)
    movies =
    # Convert that to a DataFrame
    movieDataset = spark.createDataFrame(movies)

    # Compute average rating for each movieID
    averageRatings = movieDataset.groupBy("movieID").avg("rating")

    # Compute count of ratings for each movieID
    counts = movieDataset.groupBy("movieID").count()

    # Join the two together (We now have movieID, avg(rating), and count columns)
    averagesAndCounts = counts.join(averageRatings, "movieID")

    # Filter movies rated 10 or fewer times
    popularAveragesAndCounts = averagesAndCounts.filter("count > 10")

    # Pull the top 10 results
    topTen = popularAveragesAndCounts.orderBy("avg(rating)").take(10)

    # Print them out, converting movie ID's to names as we go.
    for movie in topTen:
        print (movieNames[movie[0]], movie[1], movie[2])

    # Stop the session

Using MLLib in Spark 2.0

Recommend movies to the User according to his past rated movies record

  • Apache Spark MLlib enables building recommendation models from billions of records
    • in just a few lines of Python
  • Recommendation algorithms are usually divided into:
    1. Content-based filtering:
      • recommending items similar to what users already like
    2. Collaborative filtering:
      • recommending items based on what similar users like
        • e.g. recommending video games after someone purchased a game console because other people who bought game consoles also bought video games
  • Spark MLlib implements a collaborative filtering algorithm called Alternating Least Squares (ALS)
    • available in
  • For testing the recommendations, we will create a new user in file
0   50    5   881250949
0   172   5   881250949
0   133   1   881250949
  • userID is 0
  • movieID is 50
    • which is Star Wars
  • rating is 5 stars
  • timestamp can be any value
  • We can see that this user likes Sci-Fi movies
    • since he rated 5 stars to movieIDs 50 (Star Wars) and 172 (Empire Strikes Back)
  • And hates Drama/Romance genres
    • since he rated 1 star to the movieID 133 (Gone with the Wind)

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from import ALS
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit

# Load up movie ID -> movie name dictionary
def loadMovieNames():
    movieNames = {}
    with open("ml-100k/u.item") as f:
        for line in f:
            fields = line.split('|')
            movieNames[int(fields[0])] = fields[1].decode('ascii', 'ignore')
    return movieNames

# Convert lines into (userID, movieID, rating) rows
def parseInput(line):
    fields = line.value.split()
    return Row(userID = int(fields[0]), movieID = int(fields[1]), rating = float(fields[2]))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create a SparkSession (the config bit is only for Windows!)
    spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("MovieRecs").getOrCreate()

    # Load up our movie ID -> name dictionary
    movieNames = loadMovieNames()

    # Get the raw data
    lines ="hdfs:///user/maria_dev/ml-100k/").rdd

    # Convert it to a RDD of Row objects with (userID, movieID, rating)
    ratingsRDD =

    # Convert to a DataFrame and cache it
    ratings = spark.createDataFrame(ratingsRDD).cache()

    # Create an ALS collaborative filtering model from the complete data set
    als = ALS(maxIter=5, regParam=0.01, userCol="userID", itemCol="movieID", ratingCol="rating")
    model =

    # Print out ratings from user 0:
    print("\nRatings for user ID 0:")
    userRatings = ratings.filter("userID = 0")
    for rating in userRatings.collect():
        print movieNames[rating['movieID']], rating['rating']

    print("\nTop 20 recommendations:")
    # Find movies rated more than 100 times
    ratingCounts = ratings.groupBy("movieID").count().filter("count > 100")
    # Construct a "test" dataframe for user 0 with every movie rated more than 100 times
    popularMovies ="movieID").withColumn('userID', lit(0))

    # Run our model on that list of popular movies for user ID 0
    recommendations = model.transform(popularMovies)

    # Get the top 20 movies with the highest predicted rating for this user
    topRecommendations = recommendations.sort(recommendations.prediction.desc()).take(20)

    for recommendation in topRecommendations:
        print (movieNames[recommendation['movieID']], recommendation['prediction'])

  • Save this script as
  • Now run the script on Spark 2.0 as defined here


  • Distributing SQL queries with Hadoop
    • it lets you write standard SQL queries
    • translates SQL queries to MapReduce of TEZ jobs on your cluster

Why Hive

  • User familiar SQL syntax (HiveQL)
  • Interactive
  • Scalable - works with big data on a cluster
    • really most appropriate for data warehouse applications
  • Easy OLAP queries (Online Analytical Processing)
    • way easier than writing MapReduce in Java
  • Highly optimized
  • Highly extensible
    • UDF's
    • Thrift Server (talk to Hive from a service)
    • JDBC / ODBC driver

Why not Hive

  • High latency - not appropriate for OLTP (transaction processing)
    • translates sql commands to MapReduce jobs
    • takes time to produce the output
  • Stores data de-normalized
    • not a real relational database
    • just a text file temporarily converted as a table
  • SQL is limited in what it can do
    • Pig, Spark allows more complex stuff
  • No transactions
  • No record-level updates, inserts, deletes


  • Pretty much MySQL with some extensions
  • For example: views
    • can store results of a query into a view
      • which subsequent queries can use as a table
  • Allows you to specify how structured data is stored and partitioned

HiveQL example

Find movies which are rated by most of the users

  • Goto http://localhost:8080/#/login
    • username: maria_dev
    • password: maria_dev
  • Goto Hive View
  • Upload the dataset by clicking Upload Table
    • Click on settings icon and change Field Delimiter to TAB(horizontal tab)
      • since our data is tab separated
    • Upload from local system
    • change table name as ratings
    • rename first column to userID
    • rename second column to movieID
    • rename third column to rating
    • rename last column to timestamp
    • Now click on Upload Table button
  • Since we also want to display the names of the movies, we need to import another dataset
    • click on Upload Table button
    • Click on settings icon and change Field Delimiter to | (pipe character)
      • since our data is pipe char separated
    • select u.item from local system
    • change table name as names
    • rename first column to movieID
    • rename second column to title
    • rename last column to released
    • Now click on Upload Table button
  • Now click on Query to start writing the HiveQL interactive query
SELECT movieID, count(movieID) AS ratingCount
FROM ratings
ORDER BY ratingCount DESC;

/* A view allows a query to be saved and treated like a table*/

SELECT n.title, ratingCount
FROM topMovieIDs t JOIN names n ON t.movieID = n.movieID;
  • Click on Execute button and the results of the query will be displayed
  • Click refresh icon on Database Explorer
    • you will see the view topMovieIDs
    • we need to clean up since we're done with the query and got our results
    • to delete this view, type
    DROP VIEW topMovieIDs;

How Hive Works

  • Schema on Read
    • Other relational db's use schema on write
      • where you define your db structure before writing into the db
    • Hive maintains a metastore that imparts a structure you define on the unstructured data that is stored on HDFS etc
      • it takes unstructured data, and applies schema to it as it is read
    • In the HiveQL example, we used Ambari UI to import the data into a table
      • but under the hood, following command was executed
      CREATE TABLE ratings (
         userID INT,
         movieID INT,
         rating INT,
         time INT)
      LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '${env:HOME}/ml-100k/'
  • Where is the data
      • MOVES data from a distributed filesystem into Hive
      • COPIES data from your local filesystem into Hive
    • Managed vs External tables
      • External means that Hive will not be managing or copying data itself
      • Hive will not take ownership of this data
        • and if you DROP this table, the original data will remain unchanged
      • Used when you want to share the database with other systems as well
      • We can create external table by:
         userID  INT,
         movieID INT,
         rating  INT,
         time    INT)
      LOCATION '/data/ml-100k/';
  • Partitioning
    • You can store your data in partitioned subdirectories
      • Huge optimization if your queries are only on certain partitions
      CREATE TABLE customers (
         name    STRING,
         address STRUCT<street:STRING, city:STRING, state:STRING, zop:INT>
      PARTITIONED BY (country STRING);
    • Hive will partition the data as
      • .../customers/country=PK/
      • .../customers/country=AU/
    • Can be used if you're querying specific to a given partition
      • example. only querying on data where country is Australia
    • You can also used structs as used in this example
  • Ways to use Hive
    • Interactive via hive> prompt / Command line interface (CLI)
    • Saved query files
      • hive -f /somepath/queries.hql
    • Through Ambari / Hue
    • Through JDBC/ODBC server
    • Through Thrift service (web clients)
      • But remember, Hive is not suitable for OLTP
    • Via Oozie (scheduler)

HiveQL Challenge 01

Find the movie with the highest average rating

  • Only consider movies with more than 10 ratings count
SELECT movieID, AVG(rating) AS avgRating, count(movieID) AS ratingCount
FROM ratings
ORDER BY avgRating DESC;

/* A view allows a query to be saved and treated like a table*/

SELECT n.title, avgRating
FROM avgRatings t JOIN names n ON t.movieID = n.movieID
WHERE ratingCount > 10;


  • Command-line interface application for transferring data between relational databases and Hadoop

  • Integrating MySQL and Hadoop

  • Sqoop can handle Big data

    • kicks off MapReduce jobs to handle importing or exporting your data
    • these mappers and reducers export your data to HDFS
  • To import data from MySQL to HDFS

    • First we need to set appropriate permissions so that Sqoop can access the table
    • mysql -u root -p
      • password is hadoop
    • GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON movielens.* to ''@'localhost';
      • Now type exit and import the data from MySQL to HDFS as:
    sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/movielens --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    	--table movies
    • it will extract all the data from movies and store it to HDFS
    • Goto Files View > user > maria_dev > movies
      • You can confirm that data from MySQL was stored to HDFS here in movies directory
  • To import data from MySQL directly into Hive

    sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/movielens --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    	--table movies --hive-import
    • now we can run queries on movies table through HiveQL
    • To confirm, goto Hive view > default database > movies table
  • To export data from Hive to MySQL

    • remember that the data is in plain text format
    • Hive just structures it for us (Schema on read)
    • Goto Files View > apps > hive > warehouse > movies
      • you can open this file and check it is just in plain text format
    • We need to create the table before hand so we could export to it
    • Type mysql -u root -p
      • password is hadoop
    • use movielens;
    • CREATE TABLE exported_movies (id INTEGER, title VARCHAR(255), releaseDate DATE);
      • Now type exit to go back to terminal
    sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/movielens -m 1 --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    	--table exported_movies --export-dir /apps/hive/warehouse/movies
     	--input-fields-terminated-by '\0001'
    • -m 1 means that we will just use 1 MapReduce task (since we have only 1 machine right now)

    • --input-fields-terminated-by specifies what delimiters are being used for the input fields in the Hive table

      • by default its ASCII value 1
    • exported_movies table must already exist in MySQL, with columns in expected order

    • After this command has finished, go back to mysql terminal

    • Confirm the export was successful by typing

      • use movielens;
      • SELECT * FROM exported_movies limit 10;

Importing MovieLens data into a MySQL db

  • Login using Putty
  • MySQL comes pre-installed on Horton works sandbox
  • Type mysql -u root -p
    • default password is hadoop
  • Type create database movielens;
    • to verify, type show databases;
  • Type exit and download the script by typing wget
    • movielens.sql contains mysql script to populate the database
  • Log in to mysql again by mysql -u root -p
    • default password is hadoop
  • Type SET NAMES 'utf8';
    • some characters cannot be represented in pure ASCII, like ñ or ö
    • therefore we need to configure MySQL for utf8 encoding
    • MySQL instance is not configured to expect UTF-8 encoding by default
    • the above command does that
  • Type SET CHARACTER SET utf8;
    • same explanation as above
  • Type use movielens;
    • to use the database we created above for import
  • Type source movielens.sql;
    • to import the data using script
    • the data is imported to the database movielens after this step
  • Type show tables;
    • To check the tables in movielens database
  • To get few rows from a table, type SELECT * FROM tableName LIMIT 10;
  • To view the table columns and its structure, type DESCRIBE tableName;
  • To find the popular movies using Sqoop
    SELECT movies.title, COUNT(ratings.movie_id) AS ratingCount
    	FROM movies INNER JOIN ratings
      	ON = ratings.movie_id
      	GROUP BY movies.title
      	ORDER BY ratingCount;


  • HBase is an open-source, non-relational, scalable database
    • built on top of HDFS, so its also distributed
    • modeled after Google's Bigtable and written in Java
  • There is no query language for HBase, only CRUD API's
    • Create
    • Read
    • Update
    • Delete

HBase Architecture

  • This is the high level view of HBase architecture
  • It is split up into different Region Servers
    • these aren't geographic regions splits
    • these are ranges of keys
      • just like sharding or range partitioning
    • these can automatically repartition as the data grows
  • These Region servers are stored and managed on HDFS
  • The web applications or servers communicate with Region Servers directly
  • The Master servers are responsible for keeping the track of the actual schema of your data
    • where the data is stored
    • and how it is partitioned
    • it is the mastermind of the HBase cluster that knows where everything is
  • Zookeeper is a higly available system that keeps track of who the current Master is
    • if one Master server goes down, Zookeeper will manage it and create a new Master server

HBase data model

  • Fast access to any given ROW
  • A ROW is referenced by a unique KEY
  • Each ROW has some small number of COLUMN FAMILIES
  • A COLUMN FAMILY may contain arbitrary COLUMNS
  • You can have a very large number of COLUMNS in a COLUMN FAMILY
  • Each CELL can have many VERSIONS with given timestamps
  • Sparse data is OK - missing columns in a row consume no storage
  • Example: One row of a web table from Google's BigTable
  • The Key is stored in lexicographic order
  • Contents Column Family has only 1 column Contents
    • Contents of are stored in reversed-timestamp order
      • which means it's easy and fast to ask for the latest value
      • but hard to ask for the oldest value
  • Anchor column family can have many columns
    • the format of columns is Anchor:websiteWhichLinksToWww.Cnn.Com
    • and the value of this column is the anchor text given by that website

Some ways to access HBase

  • HBase shell
  • Java API
    • Wrappers for Python, Scala, etc
  • Connectors for Spark, Hive, Pig
  • REST service
  • Thrift service
  • Avro service

Creating a HBase table with Python via REST

  • Create a HBase table for movie ratings by user
  • Then show we can quickly query it for individual users
  • Good example of sparse data
  • HBase runs on top of HDFS
  • We will use a REST service to communicate between Python client and HBase
  • First we need to openup the port 8000 so that Python client could communicate with the REST service
  • Right click on Horton Works Sandbox and goto Settings
    • Goto Network > Advanced > Port forwarding
    • Click on Add (+) and open port 8000
    • Name: HBase REST
    • Protocol: TCP
    • Host IP:
    • Host Port: 8000
    • Guest IP:
    • Guest Port: 8000
  • Now start the REST service through Ambari
    • Goto HBase
    • "Start" from Service Actions
  • Now Login to the VM through Putty
  • su root
    • /usr/hdp/current/hbase-master/bin/ start rest -p 8000 --infoport 8001
  • Now we need starbase which is the REST client for HBase
  • On client machine,
    • pip install starbase
  • Write the script

from starbase import Connection

c= Connection("", "8000")

ratings = c.table('ratings')

if (ratings.exists()):
   print("Dropping existing ratings table\n")


print("Parsing the ml-199k ratings data...\n")
ratingFile = open("E:/Downloads/ml-100k/ml-100k/", "r")

batch = ratings.batch()

for line in ratingFile:
   (userID, movieID, rating, timestamp) = line.split()
   batch.update(userID, {'rating': {movieID: rating}})

print("Committing ratings data to HBase via REST service\n")

print("Get back ratings for some users...\n")
print("Ratings for user ID 1:\n")
print("Ratings for user ID 33:\n")
  • Run the script and it will give the output
    • Movie ratings for a UserID in a row format
  • When you are done with the REST service, stop it
    • /usr/hdp/current/hbase-master/bin/ stop rest

Integrating Pig with HBase

  • Must create HBase table ahead of time
  • Your relation must have a unique key as its first column
    • followed by subsequent columns as you want them saved in HBase
  • USING clause allows you to STORE into an HBase table
  • Can work at scale
    • HBase is transactional on rows
  • Goto Files View in Ambari
    • user > maria_dev > ml-100k > Upload
    • Upload the u.user file on HDFS
      • contains userID, age, gender, occupation, and zip code
      • data is pipe delimited (|)
  • Login to the Virtual Machine with Putty
  • hbase shell
    • CREATE 'users', 'userinfo'
    • LIST to check that the table is created
    • exit
  • Write the script
# HBase.pig

ratings = LOAD '/user/maria_dev/ml-100l/u.user'
   USING PigStorage('|')
   AS (userID:int, age:int, gender:chararray, occupation:chararray, zip:int);

STORE ratings INTO 'hbase://users'
   USING org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage ('userinfo:age,
   userinfo:gender, userinfo:occupation, userinfo:zip');
  • Run the script pig HBase.pig
  • hbase shell
    • list to check that the users table exists
    • scan 'users' to look for the data inside users table
  • Now if you want to delete the table
    • disable 'users'
    • drop 'users'
    • list to check if users table is deleted
    • exit
  • If you are done with HBase
    • goto Services > HBase > Service Actions > Stop


  • A distributed database with no single point of failure
  • Unlike HBase, there is no master node at all
    • every node runs exactly the same software and performs the same functions
  • Data model is similar to BigTable / HBase
  • It's non-relational
    • but has a limited CQL query language as its interface

Cassandra's Design Choices

  • The CAP Theorem says you can only have 2 out of 3
    • Consistency, Availability, Partitiion-tolerance
      • and only Partition-tolerance is a requirement with big data
      • so you really only get to choose between Consistency & availability
  • Cassandra favors availability over consistency
    • it is "eventually consistent"
    • but you can specify your consistency requirements as part of your request
    • so it's really "tunable consistency"


  • Cassandra's API is CQL
    • which makes it easy to look like existing database drivers to applications
  • CQL is like SQL, but with some big limitations!
    • No JOINS
      • your data must be de-normalized
      • so its still non-relational
    • All queries must be on some primary key
      • Secondary indices are supported, but there's performance bottlenecks
  • CQLSH can be used on the command line to create tables, etc
  • All tables must be in a keyspace
    • keyspaces are like databases

Cassandra and Spark

  • DataStax offers a Spark-Cassandra connector
  • Allows you to read and write Cassandra tables as DataFrames
  • Is smart about passing queries on those DataFrames down to the appropriate level
  • User cases:
    • Use Spark for analytics on data stored in Cassandra
    • Use Spark to transform data and store it into Cassandra for transactional use

Installing Cassandra on Horton Works Sandbox

  • Login to the cluster with Putty
  • su root
    • Password is hadoop by default
  • pip install cassandra-driver
  • If you're unable to download with pip, try
    • yum update
    • yum install scl-utils
      • Software collections - gives ability to switch between python versions
    • yum install centos-release-scl-rh
      • CentOS specific component for scl
    • yum install python27
    • scl enable python27 bash
      • switching to python 2.7
      • python -V to verify
    • We need to set up necessary repositories to pick up Cassandra packages
    • cd /etc/yum.repos.d
    • nano datastax.repo
    name = DataStax Repo for Apache Cassandra
    baseurl =
    enabled = 1
    gpgcheck = 0
    • Press cntrl+O and then cntrl+X to save the file
    • yum install dsc30
      • DataStax Cassandra package installation
  • pip install cqlsh
    • CQL is a shell for interacting with Cassandra
  • service cassandra start
    • to start the cassandra service
  • cqlsh
    • if you get any version mismatch errors, give the specific supported version while giving this command
      • cqlsh --cqlversion="3.4.0"
  • To create a table, we first need to create Keyspace
    • keyspace is like a database in SQL
    • CREATE KEYSPACE movielens WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'} AND durable_writes = true;
  • USE movielens;
  • CREATE TABLE users (user_id int, age int, gender text, occupation text, zip text, PRIMARY KEY (user_id));
    • to check the newly created table
  • exit to go back to terminal

Populating the Cassandra DB with Spark

  • Write the script as

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql import functions

def parseInput(line):
    fields = line.split('|')
    return Row(user_id = int(fields[0]), age = int(fields[1]), gender = fields[2], occupation = fields[3], zip = fields[4])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create a SparkSession
    spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("CassandraIntegration").config("", "").getOrCreate()

    # Get the raw data
    lines = spark.sparkContext.textFile("hdfs:///user/maria_dev/ml-100k/u.user")
    # Convert it to a RDD of Row objects with (userID, age, gender, occupation, zip)
    users =
    # Convert that to a DataFrame
    usersDataset = spark.createDataFrame(users)

    # Write it into Cassandra
        .options(table="users", keyspace="movielens")\

    # Read it back from Cassandra into a new Dataframe
    readUsers =\
    .options(table="users", keyspace="movielens")\


    sqlDF = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM users WHERE age < 20")

    # Stop the session
  • Make sure you have u.user file in user > maria_dev > ml-100k directory
  • The above script reads plain text from u.user file and then parses them into Row object
    • Row objects are needed by the Spark DataFrames
  • These Row objects are then converted into Spark supported DataFrames
  • These dataframe objects can now be written to the Cassandra DB
  • We can also perform queries on the dataset
  • To run the script, export SPARK_MAJOR_VERSION=2
  • spark-submit --packages datastax:spark-cassandra-connector:2.0.0-M2-s_2.11
    • it means that it is a Cassandra connector for
      • Scala version 2.11
      • Spark version 2.0.0
    • might be different if you're using a newer version of HortonWorks Sandbox
  • To check whether the data was written into Cassandra DB or not
    • cqlsh --cqlversion="3.4.0"
    • USE movielens;
    • SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 10;
    • exit
  • service cassandra stop
    • to stop the service when you're done experimenting with Cassandra


  • Managing HuMONGOus data
  • MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program
  • Classified as a NoSQL database program
    • MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with schema
  • Example:
  "_id": ObjectID("7b2js62k09bae5ea6027sdl271c3"),
  "title": "A blog post about MongoDB",
  "content": "This is a blog post about MongoDB",
  "comments": [
        "name": "Morty",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"content": "This is the best article ever written!",
	"rating": 1

No real schema is enforced

  • You can have different fields in every document if you want to
  • No single "key" as in other databases
    • But you can create indices on any fields you want
      • or even combinations of fields
    • If you want to "shard", then you must do so on some index
  • Results in a lot of flexibility
    • But with great power comes great responsibility

MongoDB terminology

  • Databases
  • Collections
    • just like tables
  • Documents
    • just like rows

Replication Sets

  • Single Master
  • Maintains backup copies of your database instance
    • Secondaries can elect a new primary within seconds if your primary goes down
    • But make sure your operation log is long enough to give you time to recover the primary when it comes back
    • Applications talk with Primary

Replica Set Quirks

  • A majority of the servers in your set must agree on the primary
    • Even numbers of servers (like 2) don't work well
  • Don't want to spend money on 3 servers?
    • You can set up an 'arbiter' node
      • But only one
  • Apps must know about enough servers in the replica set to be able to reach one to learn who's primary
  • Replicas only address durability, not your ability to scale
    • Well, unless you can take advantage of reading from secondaries
      • which generally isn't recommended
    • And your DB will still go into read-only mode for a bit while a new primary is elected
  • Delayed secondaries can be set up as insurance against people doing dumb things


  • For scaling out data on more than 1 server with MongoDB, we do Sharding
  • Ranges of some indexed value you specify are assigned to different replica sets
    • each replica set is responsible for some range of values on some indexed value in the DB
  • In order to do sharding, we need to set up index on some unique value in our collection
  • On the application server, you set up mongos
  • mongos talks with 3 config servers running which know about the partitioning information
    • this information is used by mongos to know which replica set to talk with for getting the data
  • mongos also run a balancer in the background
    • After some time if it finds out that the data is not evenly partitioned
    • it can rebalance the values across the replica sets in real time

Sharding Quirks

  • Auto-sharding sometimes doesn't work
    • Split storms, mongos processes restarted too often
  • You must have 3 config servers
    • And if any one goes down, your DB is down
    • This is on top of the single-master design of replica sets
  • MongoDB's loose document model can be at odds with effective sharding

Neat things about MongoDB

  • It's not just a NoSQL database
    • very flexible document model
  • Shell is a full JavaScript interpreter
    • can run JS functions across your entire MongoDB
  • Supports many indices
    • but only one can be used for sharding
    • more than 2-3 are still discouraged
    • Full-text indices for text searches
    • Spatial indices
      • Spatial indices are used by spatial databases (databases which store information related to objects in space)
      • Conventional index types do not efficiently handle spatial queries
      • such as how far two points differ, or whether points fall within a spatial area of interest
  • Built-in aggregation capabilities, MapReduce, GridFS
    • for some applications you might not need Hadoop at all
    • But MongoDB still integrates with Hadoop, Spark, and most languages
  • A SQL connector is available
    • but MongoDB still isn't designed for joins & normalized data really

Using Mongo with Spark example

  • Login using Putty
  • su root
  • cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks
  • cd HDP
    • now ls and check switch to the directory version of your Hadoop
  • if the Hadoop version is 2.5
    • cd 2.5
  • cd services
  • Now we will add MongoDB to the services list
    • there is a mongo-ambari connector available on github
  • git clone
  • Now restart the ambari services for the changes to be effective
    • sudo service ambari restart
  • Goto
    • sign in with admin credentials
  • Click on Actions button > Add service
    • Select MongoDB from the list
    • Click on Next
    • Just accept the default values and keep clicking Next
    • If you get warnings, click on Proceed anyway
      • warnings are due to the large number of services running on a single virtual machine
    • Finally click on Deploy
  • Now make sure you have u.user file in user/maria_dev/ml-100k/ directory
  • On putty client, type pip install pymongo
  • exit to switch back to normal user
    • cd ~ to go back to the home directory
  • Write the script into file

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql import functions

def parseInput(line):
    fields = line.split('|')
    return Row(user_id = int(fields[0]), age = int(fields[1]), gender = fields[2], occupation = fields[3], zip = fields[4])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create a SparkSession
    spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("MongoDBIntegration").getOrCreate()

    # Get the raw data
    lines = spark.sparkContext.textFile("hdfs:///user/maria_dev/ml-100k/u.user")
    # Convert it to a RDD of Row objects with (userID, age, gender, occupation, zip)
    users =
    # Convert that to a DataFrame
    usersDataset = spark.createDataFrame(users)

    # Write it into MongoDB
    # database is movielens
    # collection is users

    # Read it back from MongoDB into a new Dataframe
    readUsers =\


    sqlDF = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM users WHERE age < 20")

    # Stop the session
    • since we want to use Spark 2.0
  • spark-submit --packages org.mongodb.spark:mongo-spark-connector_2.11:2.0.0
    • it means that it is a MongoDB connector for
      • Scala version 2.11
      • Spark version 2.0.0
    • might be different if you're using a newer version of HortonWorks Sandbox

Mongo Examples

  • Login to the shell using Putty
  • type mongo
    • use movielens
  • To find the information about user ID 100, type
    • db.users.find( {user_id: 100 } )
  • To know what's going on behind a command, use explain function
    • db.users.explain().find( {user_id: 100} )
      • you will see inside winningPlan that it's just scanning collections to find the user ID
      • It just scans all the collections to find the particular user ID which is inefficient
      • We should do indexing on the user ID to make queries faster
  • To create index on the user ID
    • db.users.createIndex ( {user_id: 1} )
      • this create an index on user_id in descending order
    • to verify that index was created
    • db.users.explain().find( {user_id: 100} )
      • check the winningPlan
      • you will that now it is doing IXSCAN - index scan
      • thus the queries will be alot more efficient now


Learning how to tame the Big Data with Hadoop and related technologies







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