:root {
--mc: #cc1444 !important; /*Main Colour*/
--hc: #770425 !important; /*Hover Colour*/
--BG: url("https://i.imgur.com/d3lnerI.jpg") !important; /*Wallpaper*/
--RB: rgba(0,0,0,0.70) !important; /*Reborn Transparency Higher is Darker*/
--br: 50px !important; /*RoundNess of Icons*/
--QT: #19191b ; /*Quiet Theme Colour*/
--QTD: #121213; /*Quiet Off Parts Colour*/
--blur: 0px; /*Set to 1-10px to adjust reborn wallpaper blur*/
- All Themes go into %AppData%\BetterDiscord\themes
- All Plugins go into %AppData%\BetterDiscord\plugins
Note This theme is similar to Monsters Tranquil/Reborn There is a reason for this I was one of the main maintainers/editers of the V2 version of these themes.
Monster became a maintainer/editer of the V3 version.
This results in similar themes but with noticeably different changes as they are maintained seperately and have entirely different code bases.
Description: Dark and Quiet. Easy on the eyes.
Description: A cold, dark & winter like theme. Darkened Discord's UI a bit and implemented a nice dark background image.