Real time Serial CSV to UDP JSON stream translator.
The executables can be found in the Releases section.
pip install -r requirements.txt
To configure the parameters of the program you have to create a 'CONFIG.txt' file with the following parameters:
The 'VALUES' params separated by a space indicate the order of the values in the CSV string. The 'NULL' value indicates that the value is not going to be sent, but discarded when the CSV comes into the program. The 'NEWLINE' param indicates the character that separates the CSV strings, the usage of '\n' as a NEWLINE can be achieved via the 'LF' symbol and the '\r\n' via the 'CRLF' one (ex: NEWLINE=LF). The 'SEPARATOR' param indicates the character that separates the values in the CSV string. The 'BAUDRATE' param indicates the baudrate of the serial port. The 'UDP_PORT' param indicates the port of the UDP server. The 'SERIAL_PORT' param indicates the serial port to use.
With the configuration shown above you can send the following JSON (assuming CSV data is: 1,2,3,4\n):
"PARAM1": 1,
"PARAM2": 2,
"PARAM3": 4
pyinstaller --name SerialToUdpTranslator --onefile --windowed
Replace 1.0 with your version.
git add .
git commit -m "v1.0"
git tag -a v1.0 -m "Version 1.0"
git push origin master --tags
For a complete guide on how it works and how to publish a new release, check this repo.
- Python 3.12.2
- Tkinter