So_long is a graphical project at Ecole 42 that involves creating a simple 2D game using the MinilibX graphic library
The objective of the game is for the player to navigate a character through a maze to collect collectibles and reach the end point without colliding with any obstacles
The project requires the implementation of basic game mechanics, such as character movement and collision detection, as well as more advanced graphics programming techniques, such as rendering textures and handling animations
To use so_long, simply clone the repository and compile it with your project:
git clone
cd so_long
This will generate an executable called so_long that you can run to start the game
To play the game, simply run the so_long executable with the path to a valid map file:
./so_long maps/map.ber
This will start the game with the specified map file
The game can be controlled using WASD keys, and the objective is to collect all collectibles and unlock the exit portal to finish the game