This is the repository for VS Code extension for BIF.
- Format Document (
Shift + Alt + F
) - Format Selection (
Ctrl + K Ctrl + F
) - Find all references (
Shift + Alt + F12
) - Peek references (
Shift + F12
) - Go to Definition (
) - Peek Definition (
Alt + F12
) - Map current view (
Ctrl + M
) - Syntax highlighting
- Block commenting (
Ctrl + K + C
andCtrl + K + U
) - Snippet completion
- Open premapped bxml view based in GUID
Before using the extension, it is recommended to set up the following
Go to File > Preferences > Settings
and in the settings for Biffy configure these values
- conf.biffy.bifSource - The path to BIF Source. In case the configuration is empty, the current workspace root folder is used to find the required references.
eg C:\Code\Git\Katipo\BIF-Source
- conf.biffy.mapperBinPath - The path to the bin > Debug/Release folder of SI.ProArcMapper project. In case the configuration is empty, it will not be possible to perform on-the-fly mapping of BIF views
eg C:\Code\Git\Katipo\SI.ProArcMapper\bin\Debug
- conf.biffy.mappedViewColumn - Selecting Active opens the mapped view in the same editor window as the current one. Selecting Beside opens the mapped view in the editor column next to the active window.
- biffy.mapObject - Generates a merged preview of the current active document.
Default is
Ctrl + M
- biffy.generateGuid - Generate GUIDs.
Default us
Ctrl + Alt + G
- Open the source in VS Code.
- Run
npm install
- Press
orDebug > Start debugging
- Open the BIF-Source in the newly opened instance of vscode
Ensure typescript is installed in global scope. Else run >
npm install -g typescript
VS Code version should be higher than 1.30.0
Check out existing issues in the repository.