- test smartconfig -- wechat cloud not work , ESP-Touch only.
- add airkey , but cloud not work. ( esp_smartconfig_set_type(SC_TYPE_ESPTOUCH_AIRKISS); )
- auto reconnect WiFi, When WiFi.status() is True.
- need a button for start smartconfig
- auto reconnect WiFi, When WiFi disconnected.
- "ui_events.c" has to rename to "ui_events.cpp" . it needs include <WiFi.h> that is c++ head file.
- review old library -- bleconnect
- BLE Client with PIN Code
- LVGL test
- UI for WiFi and BLE Test
- IoT IDEPlatformIO
- Arduino
- ESP32 Dev (M5 Stack Core)
- 9DOF sensor
- TOF sensor
- M5Plus
- input and output UI
- Wi-Fi scan and connect
- BLE scan and connect
- getting 6DOF sensor data and TOF sensor data
- OSC input and output
- Get the camera metadata and sending to the PC by OSC
- Get the lens metadata and sending to the PC by OSC
- Get the camera 6DOF data and sending to the PC by OSC
- Get the camera timecode and sending to the PC by OSC
- Set up the camera and lens by OSC
- Set up the camera timecode by NTP
- Auto focus by TOF sensor
Scan Button -> one of results connecting -> Input PinCode -> OK touch icon -> waiting -> Check the Camera for PIN -> keyboard -> Icon for next
Scan SSID -> Result List -> Input PWD -> OK Touch Icon -> waiting -> Select your WiFi -> keyboard
- timecode and NTP server
- Lens Meta data
- Camera Meta data
- OSC Server and Port
- Auto Focus
- Metabones Switch
- BMD Camera XR Adapter
- Device Name Or Model Name
- IP Address and Port
- delay (ping)
- Focus Distance
- Depth of Field (BMPCC 6K or newer)
- Focus Point (Only BMPCC4K)
- Camera-Subject Distance (via ToF sensor)
- Focal Length of the Lens
- copy the lv_conf.h from the src folder into the .pio/libdeps/lvgl folder (you have to do this since the lvgl library is pulled from github)
- edit the .pio/libdeps/lvgl/src/misc/lv_conf_internal.h and change the line like so:
#elif defined(LV_CONF_INCLUDE_SIMPLE) /*Or simply include lv_conf.h is enabled*/
#include "lv_conf.h"
#include "lv_conf.h" //(prior to that this line had "../../lv_conf.h" remove the ../../)//
taken from:m5core2-lvgl8-SquarelineStudio-PlatformIO