This is a sphinx extension for embedding maps.
This extension enable you to embed maps using Google Maps . Following code is sample:
.. googlemaps:: Shibuya Station
You can get archive file at
> easy_install sphinxcontrib-googlemaps
To enable this extension, add sphinxcontrib.googlemaps
module to extensions
option at :file:``.
import os, sys
# Path to the folder where sphinxcontrib/ is
# NOTE: not needed if the package is installed in traditional way
# using or easy_install
# Enabled extensions
extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.googlemaps']
.. describe:: .. googlemaps:: [location string] This directive insert maps into the generated document. Examples:: .. googlemaps:: Shibuya You can specify target point by latitude and longitue. Example:: .. googlemaps:: :latitude: 35.663991 :longtitude: 139.730988 googlemaps directive supports these options: :balloon: Show ballon to marker :zoom: Zoom in/out maps (default value is 15)