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Releases: speediedan/finetuning-scheduler

Fine-Tuning Scheduler Release 2.5.0

20 Dec 19:09
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[2.5.0] - 2024-12-20


  • Support for Lightning and PyTorch 2.5.0
  • FTS support for PyTorch's composable distributed (e.g. fully_shard, checkpoint) and Tensor Parallelism (TP) APIs
  • Support for Lightning's ModelParallelStrategy
  • Experimental 'Auto' FSDP2 Plan Configuration feature, allowing application of the fully_shard API using module
    name/pattern-based configuration instead of manually inspecting modules and applying the API in LightningModule.configure_model
  • FSDP2 'Auto' Plan Convenience Aliases, simplifying use of both composable and non-composable activation checkpointing APIs
  • Flexible orchestration of advanced profiling combining multiple complementary PyTorch profilers with FTS MemProfiler


  • Added logic to more robustly condition depth-aligned checkpoint metadata updates to address edge-cases where current_score precisely equaled the best_model_score at multiple different depths. Resolved #15.


  • As upstream PyTorch has deprecated official Anaconda channel builds, finetuning-scheduler will no longer be releasing conda builds. Installation of FTS via pip (irrespective of the virtual environment used) is the recommended installation approach.
  • removed support for PyTorch 2.1

Thanks to the following users/contributors for their feedback and/or contributions in this release:

Fine-Tuning Scheduler Release 2.4.0

15 Aug 16:10
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[2.4.0] - 2024-08-15


  • Support for Lightning and PyTorch 2.4.0
  • Support for Python 3.12


  • Changed default value of the frozen_bn_track_running_stats option to the FTS callback constructor to True.


  • removed support for PyTorch 2.0
  • removed support for Python 3.8

Fine-Tuning Scheduler Patch Release 2.3.3

09 Jul 18:07
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[2.3.3] - 2024-07-09

  • Support for Lightning <= 2.3.3 (includes critical security fixes) and PyTorch <= 2.3.1

Fine-Tuning Scheduler Release 2.3.2

08 Jul 18:10
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[2.3.2] - 2024-07-08

  • Support for Lightning <= 2.3.2 and PyTorch <= 2.3.1

Thanks to the following users/contributors for their feedback and/or contributions in this release:

Fine-Tuning Scheduler Feature Teaser Release 2.3.0

17 May 20:25
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Because Lightning is not currently planning an official 2.3.0 release, this FTS release is marked as a pre-release and pins a lightning 2.3.0dev commit. A return to normal Lightning cadence is expected with 2.4.0 and FTS will release accordingly. Installation of this FTS pre-release can either follow the normal installation from source or use the release archive, e.g.:

export FTS_VERSION=2.3.0 && \
wget${FTS_VERSION}-rc1/finetuning_scheduler-${FTS_VERSION}rc1.tar.gz && \
pip install finetuning_scheduler-${FTS_VERSION}rc1.tar.gz

[2.3.0] - 2024-05-17


  • Support for Lightning and PyTorch 2.3.0
  • Introduced the frozen_bn_track_running_stats option to the FTS callback constructor, allowing the user to override the default Lightning behavior that disables track_running_stats when freezing BatchNorm layers. Resolves#13.


  • removed support for PyTorch 1.13

Fine-Tuning Scheduler Patch Release 2.2.4

04 May 22:50
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[2.2.4] - 2024-05-04


  • Support for Lightning 2.2.4 and PyTorch 2.2.2

Fine-Tuning Scheduler Patch Release 2.2.1

04 Mar 22:11
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[2.2.1] - 2024-03-04


  • Support for Lightning 2.2.1

Fine-Tuning Scheduler Release 2.2.0

08 Feb 22:26
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[2.2.0] - 2024-02-08


  • Support for Lightning and PyTorch 2.2.0
  • FTS now inspects any base EarlyStopping or ModelCheckpoint configuration passed in by the user and applies that configuration when instantiating the required FTS callback dependencies (i.e., FTSEarlyStopping or FTSCheckpoint). Part of the resolution to #12.


  • updated reference to renamed FSDPPrecision
  • increased jsonargparse minimum supported version to 4.26.1


  • Explicitly rank_zero_only-guarded ScheduleImplMixin.save_schedule and ScheduleImplMixin.gen_ft_schedule. Some codepaths were incorrectly invoking them from non-rank_zero_only guarded contexts. Resolved #11.
  • Added a note in the documentation indicating more clearly the behavior of FTS when no monitor metric configuration is provided. Part of the resolution to #12.


  • removed support for PyTorch 1.12
  • removed legacy FTS examples

Thanks to the following users/contributors for their feedback and/or contributions in this release:
@Davidham3 @jakubMitura14

Fine-Tuning Scheduler Patch Release 2.1.4

02 Feb 21:07
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[2.1.4] - 2024-02-02


  • Support for Lightning 2.1.4


  • Bumped sphinx requirement to >5.0,<6.0


  • Removed deprecated lr verbose init param usage
  • Removed deprecated references

Fine-Tuning Scheduler Release 2.1.3

21 Dec 19:13
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[2.1.3] - 2023-12-21


  • Support for Lightning 2.1.3