This repository contains exports of Sparrow Watson assistant and IBM cloud functions used in Sparrow.
Is the IBM primary watson assistant for Sparrow platform. Sparrow Middleware makes this watson assistant available on any chat platforms.
Contains the Watson assistant dialog flow for Sparrow AI. It contains dialogs for Medical diagnostics and Cognitive Behavioural therapy.
This dialog also contains the flow for connecting users with community/experts, along with process for registration of users, doctors.
Also contains dialog for subscribing to and creating updates
Note: all URL/API credentials are removed
AnalyzeTone.js Cloud functon for Analyzing text tone using IBM Watson NLP
ConnectToExpert.js Cloud function that takes userSession ID and expert type and initiates connection between them
LookUpSymptoms.js Makes calls to Sparrow medical diagnostic API to check if symptom names entered exists. If not, returns nearest matching symptoms.
OptToUpdate.js Captures user location and registers users for getting updates
PredictDisease.js Takes in '|' delimited string of symptom names and returns list of diseases with probabilities
RegisterUser.js Registeration handler for experts and communities
SaveMentalRecord.js Saves psychological issues captured by CBT
SendUpdate.js Captures target location and message and then sends the message to all users in that region