_ _ ____ _ _
_ __ ___ ___ __| (_) __ _ / ___| |__ ___ ___| | __
| '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ _` | |/ _` | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ /
| | | | | | __/ (_| | | (_| | |___| | | | __/ (__| <
|_| |_| |_|\___|\__,_|_|\__,_|\____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\
This is a simple wrapper around matchMedia to run code on entry and exit from media queries. It also uses browser resize as a fallback for browsers that don't support matchMedia.
There are two examples here: http://sparkbox.github.io/mediaCheck/
Type: string
This is the mediaquery that will trigger the specified action. It should be in the form:
(min-width: 420px)
(min-width: 35em)
(max-width: 800px)
(max-width: 60em)
Type: function
This function will execute once when the mediaquery becomes active.
Type: function
This function will execute once when the mediaquery becomes inactive.
Type: function
This function will execute once when the mediaquery changes state.
media: '(max-width: 420px)',
entry: function() {
console.log('starting 420');
exit: function() {
console.log('leaving 420');
both: function() {
console.log('changing state');
- 1.0.3
- Fixes a bug that caused the both function to
only work on exit, but not entry.
- Fixes a bug that caused the both function to
- 1.0.0
- Drop support for IE < 10
- 0.4.6
- You can now pass combined mediaqueries e.g.
(min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 800px)
- It also now accepts
- You can now pass combined mediaqueries e.g.
- 0.4.5
- Passing
, andboth
- Passing