Everybody is welcome on this project.
A smart cube that displays your notifications in the most suitable ways everywhere in your home.
For now, the cube works only if you are online.
In the final version, home-spark will be composed of:
- 1 arduino for the hardware interface
- 1 raspberry pi 3 for the online interface and the computing power
Maybe only arduino will be necessary if all the computing is transfered online.
For development raspberry pi can be replaced by a computer.
- create the file .env
- add your api keys in the file .env
See more on the file .env_example
$ npm install -g vagrant
$ npm install
// to generate js from ts, css from less for angular
$ npm run webpack
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
vagrant$ cd spark
// to start the webserver
vagrant$ npm start
// to clean the temporary files
npm run clean
To install a dependency:
npm install <module> --save
typings install <module> --save --global --source <source> // try without argument source, typings will make you proposition
We use semanticUi and Android icons.