comatic is a python based Static webcomic generator. It is based on the xkcd style of comic management for now.
- Jinja2
- Python 2.x
It will power hopefully my webcomic that used to run on comicpress one day. :')
This is a weekend hack. I took special care to throw away every good coding practice. If anyone else is interested in using it, I'll clean it up!
- Set up your configuration as
- The list of comics is picked up from a CSV. This must be the worst method you've heard of, but I considered ReStructuredText/Markdown but this seemed the best way to go forward to me.
- Note that comatic only supports xkcd style URLs in series. For instance. and so on.
- The CSV must look like this: number,timestamp,title,author,image path,alternate text,description
- the comic strip part
- Author pages
- Extra pages
- Disqus support (can be added in theme)
- Google Analytics (can be added in theme)
- User settings file <- urgent