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Spacenditure Authentication Service

This Microservice main purpose is to authenticate user to use all other api's of Spacenditure.

This entity api is build on dotnet core 3.0 and user MySQL as its database to store users information.

Steps to run this locally

In order to run this service on local system, Add this property in apppsetting.json

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "UserDetailDbContext": "server=mysql;database=database;user=username;password=password"

Later on you might require to update your database with the defined model. To do than you can make use of dotnet-ef.

$ dotnet ef migrations add CreateUserDetailDb

After succeeded, run following to get your server started.

$ dotnet restore
Restore completed in 16.1 ms for /spacenditure-authentication-service/SpacenditureAuthentication.csproj.

$ dotnet run
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

Note: Make sure you have dotnet core 3.0 installed in your system