If you want to start using the community firmware please visit https://synthstromaudible.github.io/DelugeFirmware/ for all relevant details.
The Deluge from Synthstrom Audible is a portable sequencer, synthesizer and sampler. Synthstrom Audible decided to open source the firmware application that runs on the Deluge to allow the community to customize and extend the capabilities of the device.
The hardware is built around a Renesas RZ/A1L processor with an Arm® Cortex®-A9 core running at 400MHz and 3MB of on-chip SRAM. Connected to that is a 64MB SDRAM chip, a PIC for button handling and either a 7-Segment array or an OLED screen. The application is written in C and C++ and some occasional assembly in bare metal style without an operating system.
- For acquiring and using the firmware visit the Github Page
- To contribute to the project with code, bug reports, suggestions, and feedback see: How to contribute to Deluge Firmware
- To learn about the toolchain, application, and to start working on the code continue with: Getting Started with Deluge Development
- Please also visit the Synthstrom Forum and the community Discord to interact with other users and the developers
- You can donate to the project using the Synthstrom Patreon