OpenHAB is a vendor and technology agnostic open source automation software. A native binding is available in order to control and collect data from a Souliss network.
The code for networking activities of this binding is based on SoulissApp code. It use the same approach getting from the gateway node the network structure and the relevant data. You can use SoulissApp and the openHAB binding binding at same time.
In order to use this binding a little knowledge of openHAB is required because it offers services on top of the openHAB platform so you have to deal with its characteristics and requirements. The best is start with the and openHAB wiki. Once done, use the demo configuration only to ensure that your openHAB is working fine, then delete it and create your own configuration as follow.
A minimum openHAB configuration requires fours files:
- The Souliss binding for openHAB (is a Java plugin)
- The binding network configuration
- The .items file to define the items (also known as Typicals in Souliss)
- The .sitemap file to define how the user interface will look like
As main difference while using [AndroidApplication SoulissApp] is that you have to define your user interface, declaring how many Typicals (Items in openHAB) you have and which is their purpose. [AndroidApplication SoulissApp] is rather able to collect those information automatically.
The openHAB binding isn't able to locate your Souliss gateway as Android Application SoulissApp does, so you should specify the networking information in the configuration file as follow.
Edit .\openhab\configurations\openhab.cfg
Add at the bottom:
################################ Souliss Binding ##########################################
# Souliss
# For ITEM defination in file .item
#SERVERPORT - Leave empty for casual port
#time in mills - min 50
The following parameters need to be changed:
Parameter | Description | Range
IP_LAN | The IP address of Souliss Gateway node | - |
USER_INDEX | Identify the index of the openHAB binding | 1 - 100 |
NODE_INDEX | Identify the node of the openHAB binding | 1 - 254 |
Please ensure that each user interface (SoulissApp, openHAB, ...) must have a different USER_INDEX and NODE_INDEX, those values are used to identify the interface. You can get the values used by !SoulissApp from the Networking menu.
Define your Souliss deployment inside openHAB. To do this, you'll have to statically map your device inside openHAB environment.
Edit .\openhab\configurations\items\defaultSitemap.items
define your own items and add to the end of each line of definition
where Typicals can be T11, T12, T13, T14, T16, T18, T1A, T22, T31, T51, T52, T53, T57, D98, D99 (more will be supported in the future)
Parameter | Description | Range |
nodeID | Is the ID of the node, the first node listed in your !SoulissApp | 1 - 254 |
| has nodeID 1, increase for your further nodes | |
slot | Is the slot where your Typical is located, this is defined in | 1 - 254 |
| the sketch loaded in your node | |
bit | Is used only for Typicals that works bitwise as T1A | 1 - 8 |
useOfSlot | Is used only for Typicals that works as T31 and T12 | heating |
" | cooling |
" | measured |
" | settpoint |
" | setasmeasured |
" | heatingcooling|
" | fanoff |
" | fanautomode |
" | fanhigh |
" | fanmed |
" | fanlow |
" | power |
" | switch |
" | automode |
An example of the .items configuration files is below, consider that openHAB has its own syntax for the configuration files.
Switch LuceSogg "LuceSogg" (GF_Soggiorno, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T11:0:6", autoupdate=false}
Switch LuceSogg_SR "LuceSogg - Step Relay" (GF_Soggiorno, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T18:0:7", autoupdate=false}
Number Temperature_GF_Soggiorno "Temperatura Soggiorno [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (temperature, GF_Temperature, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T52:0:0"}
Number Umidita_GF_Soggiorno "Umidità Soggiorno [%.1f %%]" <temperature> (temperature, GF_Temperature, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T53:0:2"}
Number Consumo_GF_Soggiorno "Consumo [%.1f W]" <energy> (GF_Temperature, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T57:0:4"}
Rollershutter Shutter1_GF_Soggiorno "Tenda1" (GF_Soggiorno, TechnicView_Node3 {souliss="T22:3:0", autoupdate=false}
Contact ContattoTest "Contatto" (GF_Soggiorno, Lights) {souliss="T13:0:1", autoupdate=true}
Contact C2 "BIT 3" (GF_Soggiorno, TechnicView_Node3) {souliss="T1A:3:5:2"}
Contact C3 "BIT 4" (GF_Soggiorno, TechnicView_Node3) {souliss="T1A:3:5:3"}
Color RGB_Led_Strip_1 "RGB Led Strip 1" <slider> (GF_Soggiorno) {souliss="T16:0:2", autoupdate=false}
Number Temperature_GF_Soggiorno "Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (T31, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T31:1:0:measured"}
Number Temperature_2F_Living_SP "Temp Set Point [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (T31, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T31:1:0:setpoint"}
Switch setasmeasured "Set as measured" <temperature> (T31, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T31:1:0:setasmeasured", autoupdate="false"}
Switch heating_cooling "Heating Mode" (T31, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T31:1:0:heatingcooling", autoupdate="false"}
Switch heating "Heating" <siren> (T31, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T31:1:0:heating"}
Switch cooling "Cooling" <siren> (T31, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T31:1:0:cooling"}
Switch fan_off "Fan Off" (T31, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T31:1:0:fanoff", autoupdate="false"}
Switch fan_low "Fan Low" (T31, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T31:1:0:fanlow", autoupdate="false"}
Switch fan_med "Fan Med" (T31, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T31:1:0:fanmed", autoupdate="false"}
Switch fan_high "Fan High" (T31, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T31:1:0:fanhigh", autoupdate="false"}
Switch power "Power Off" (T31, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="T31:1:0:power"}
Switch SwitchAutoMode "T12" (GF_Soggiorno, TechnicView_Node3) {souliss="T12:3:0:switch", autoupdate="false"}
Switch SwitchAutoMode_setup "Auto" (GF_Soggiorno, TechnicView_Node3) {souliss="T12:3:0:automode", autoupdate="false"}
Dimmer dimmerLed "Display [%.1f %%]" (TechnicView_Node1) {souliss="T19:1:9"}
An example of the .sitemap configuration files is below, consider that openHAB has its own syntax for the configuration files.
Slider item=dimmerLed step=10 minValue=0 maxValue=100
An example of configuration of T31 (Thermostat):
Number temperature_TermostatoSoggiorno "Temperatura [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (TermostatoSoggiorno, TechnicView_Node6) {souliss="T31:6:0:measured"}
Number temperature_Setpoint_TermostatoSoggiorno "Setpoint [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (gcalendar, TermostatoSoggiorno, TechnicView_Node6) {souliss="T31:6:0:setpoint"}
Switch setasmeasured_TermostatoSoggiorno "Set temp. attuale" <temperature> (TermostatoSoggiorno, TechnicView_Node6) {souliss="T31:6:0:setasmeasured"}
Contact heating_TermostatoSoggiorno "Riscaldamento" (TermostatoSoggiorno, TechnicView_Node6) {souliss="T31:6:0:heating"}
Switch heatingmodeSet_TermostatoSoggiorno "Power ON" (TermostatoSoggiorno, TechnicView_Node6) {souliss="T31:6:0:heatingcooling", autoupdate="false"}
Switch power_TermostatoSoggiorno "Power OFF" (gcalendar, TermostatoSoggiorno, TechnicView_Node6) {souliss="T31:6:0:power"}
Number umidita_TermostatoSoggiorno "Umidità [%.1f %%]" <temperature> (TermostatoSoggiorno,TechnicView_Node6) { souliss="T53:6:7" }
Dimmer displayBright_TermostatoSoggiorno "Lumin.min. display" (TermostatoSoggiorno,TechnicView_Node6) { souliss="T19:6:9" }
Frame label="Termostato" {
Text label="Termostato soggiorno" icon="termostato" {
Setpoint item=temperature_Setpoint_TermostatoSoggiorno step=0.5 minValue=10 maxValue=30
Text item=temperature_TermostatoSoggiorno
Text item=umidita_TermostatoSoggiorno
Switch item=setasmeasured_TermostatoSoggiorno mappings=[ON="Set"]
Text item=heating_TermostatoSoggiorno icon="homeRed"
Switch item=heatingmodeSet_TermostatoSoggiorno mappings=[OFF="SET"] icon="coolingMode"
Switch item=power_TermostatoSoggiorno mappings=[OFF="SET"] icon="powerIcon"
Slider item=displayBright_TermostatoSoggiorno
Text item=TIMESTAMP_Nodo6_GF_Servizio label="Aggiornato: [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tk:%1$tM:%1$tS]" icon="icon16x16"
In order to track the health and timestamps two service Typicals has been introduced: D98 (Health) e D99 (Timestamp), those are not defined in Souliss sketches and are only available on the binding.
Use them as :
Number HEALTH_Node1_GF_Service "Health Node 1 [%1d]" <keyring> (Diagnostic, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="D98:0:998"}
String TIMESTAMP_Node1_GF_Service "Timestamp Node 1 [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tk:%1$tM:%1$tS]" <keyring> (Diagnostic, TechnicView_Node0) {souliss="D99:0:999"}
The binding is a Java plugin that you should place in .\openhab\addons folder. Is actually available only from our Download page.
At this time you can restart your openHAB runtime, then the integrated web server will be available and you should be able to control your Souliss nodes through it.
Using a WebKit enable browser (like Chrome or Firefox) open the link
If the browser is located on the same machine where you are running the openHAB runtime, you can use as openHAB_IP_ADDRESS.