To Exit the code press 'q' (this will ensure the video is saved gracefull if recording is used)
If Using tracking:
- Press any key to skip
- Press 's' key to select
The following parameters allows you to customize
- SAVE_OUTPUT_VIDEO = True, will save the output video as pointed by OUTPUT_VIDEO_FILE
- OUTPUT_VIDEO_FPS sets the frame rate for the video to be recored if SAVE_OUTPUT_VIDEO = True
- VIDEO_SRC_IS_CAM = True uses available camera as input(Note: OUTPUT_VIDEO_FPS is set to 15fps), if false will read take the input video file set by INPUT_VIDEO_FILE
- USE_TRACKING_AFTER_INITIAL_FACE_DETECTION = True, Adds Tracking of face using opencv trackers to:
- Resolve the issue of multiple face detection causing flickering
- Tracking performs as a better anchor than Face detection
Checkout the example output: