This is a FastAPI application designed to extract elements from a document and provide recommendations for slides based on the extracted elements.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt -
Change the Pandoc path in .env file
Run the fastAPI application:
uvicorn api1:app --reload -
Access the API via http://localhost:8000 in your browser.
POST /get_recommendations_for_slides_based_on_doc - Process the Document file and convert it into multiple slides Store the slides in JSON format in AWS ECR.
Curl Command curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/get_recommendations_for_slides_based_on_doc" -F "document=@"C:\Users\Aditya\Downloads\The Transformative Power of Artificial Intelligence.docx"" -F "user_input={"username": "SCMProject", "Folder_Name": "third_folder_docker", "DocumentId": 3, "presentationId": 255, "companyName": "TOTAL MEDIA SERVICE", "themecolor": "#E3B23C"}"
File Structure Main script containing the lates code. : lates api code. Script for recommending grids. Script to convert docx into markdown and extracting elements using openAI integration(currently takes 3-4 mins to process).
static/: Contains an HTML file providing a frontend interface for users to upload Word documents and generate slide recommendations.