PHPunit is ready setup to test the API side. Tested are all Sanctum and Fortify features cause there are heavily based on there original tests. Thats a good starting point to add tests for your next project. To run the tests you can call phpunit like this:
php artisan test for production with nginx php fpm nodejs servers / .env.develop for developing on sail
docker compose up //develop
docker compose -f ./docker-compose-prod.yml up //production
composer install //install composer
cp .env.develop .env //copy your env
npm install
php artisan key:generate //generate key for your app
docker compose build
docker compose up
php artisan migrate:refresh
npm run dev
Clone your project on server
composer install //install composer
cp .env //copy your env don't forget to insert domain ofyour server in env and database password
put your server adress in /docker/nginx/sites/laravel.conf //server_name [adress]
php artisan key:generate //generate key for your app
sudo npm install // nstall js packages
docker compose -f ./docker-compose-prod.yml build //build containers every time when you change something in yourproject
docker compose -f ./docker-compose-prod.yml start //start your app
docker ps //find your php fpm container and copy ID of this
sudo docker exec -it [container id] bash //jump into php-fpm container shell
chmod o-r www-data:www-data . //give permissions to user something like this
cd laravel/current/ // Open root directory
php artisan migrate:refresh // Run migrations
read a prayer
open your app
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
The Vue framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
This repository is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.