Train Booking Web App using MEAN Stack.
A simple user input system to book tickets accordingly. Tickets will be booked by the system with user having control over how many tickets to be booked only. If user has previously booked with the same name, those tickets will also be shown accordingly.
In this project , the user will be provided numeric and stirng-based inputs for no of seats and username respectively. I've implemented general priority alogirthm for the tickets to be booked in row-based priority and in a cluster.
- index.js : initalization file for node+mongodb cluster
- routes/routs.js : routes + functionality for the api used
- .env : path file for mongodb cluster
- models/ticketModel.js : model for mongodb
All the angular files are in the client/angular-frontend folder
- src/app : root file of the angular
- src/ticket_booking/book_ticket : The main files that runs in UI. These files also include the main logic written for the web-app.
- src/custom-snackbar : A custom snackbar created by me to enhance UI. (Still need a bit tweaking.)
- models/book-ticket-model.ts : A mode file created to maintain the scope of the project.
This is file structure of my project:
| ├── ...
| └── package.json
npm i
on the root directory and client/angular-frontend directory.
The project will start at port:8080.
I have used MongoDb Atlas(free version) for this project.
└── tickets
seatNo | status | category | bookedBy | row | updatedBy |
Int32 | String | Int32 | String | Int32 | Date |
- There are already few seats booked in the train.
- Mock Json provided to fiddle with.
- booking-system-response.ts file containcs the mock data.
- Refer to the first commented line : 83 in book-component.ts file.
- Comment the next line simultaneously to stop the api call and work on mock data.
- After all tickets are booked a Clear All Booking button is provided to reset all booking in the database.