#Split Runner
Game by SmallTimeBeachBandits: Yanting Cheung & Jacob Westerback & Conner Westover
Icons by IconsMind (https://www.iconsmind.com) (http://www.iconarchive.com/show/outline-icons-by-iconsmind.html)
We decided on something simple, a ball that can split up and move in unison. The player plays as the ball, by tapping, the ball will split or join together and by swiping, the ball will move left and right. There are obstacles and objects that will prompt the player to want to split so we have collectables and other power ups for the player to collect. It gets more difficult as the game goes on, having to react to the obstacles faster while trying to get a higher score. We have three power ups; a score multiplier, a shield, and a slow down power up. The top 10 scores are saved in localstorage.
Download the APK here: https://github.com/solanin/SplitRunner/blob/master/SplitRunnerAPK.apk
Download the EXE here: https://github.com/solanin/SplitRunner/tree/master/WindowsBuild