you can use the component in this way
ref object is used to create a refernce to login component instance and access its methods.
you can use it as this.$refs.refobj.methodname();
emitted methods
@SignOutFailure will be emitted when sign out from the project failed it will return an error as well
@status method will return you booolean value based on wether you are currently signed in or not.
@SignInsuccess will return the profle object which will contain four value id,name,email and image url
@SignOutSuccess method will be firec when you successfullu logged out
@SigninFailed will be emitted when sign infailed it will return an error as well
@auth will return an instance of gapi you can use it to call the signin methods directly.
clientId is a required prop you need to provide a client id to integrate your google signin.
userDefinedClass prop can be used to provide a custom css class as per your need
signinText prop can be used to provide the text on signin button
signoutText prop can be used to provide the text on signout button
yarn install
yarn serve
yarn build
yarn lint