Example of usage:
- {
role: "sa_konga",
konga_version: "0.14.7"
- {
role: "sa_konga",
konga_version: "0.14.7",
These are the general environment variables Konga uses.
HOST | The IP address that will be bind by Konga's server | - | '' |
PORT | The port that will be used by Konga's server | - | 1337 |
NODE_ENV | The environment | production ,development |
development |
SSL_KEY_PATH | If you want to use SSL, this will be the absolute path to the .key file. Both SSL_KEY_PATH & SSL_CRT_PATH must be set. |
- | null |
SSL_CRT_PATH | If you want to use SSL, this will be the absolute path to the .crt file. Both SSL_KEY_PATH & SSL_CRT_PATH must be set. |
- | null |
KONGA_HOOK_TIMEOUT | The time in ms that Konga will wait for startup tasks to finish before exiting the process. | - | 60000 |
DB_ADAPTER | The database that Konga will use. If not set, the localDisk db will be used. | mongo ,mysql ,postgres |
- |
DB_URI | The full db connection string. Depends on DB_ADAPTER . If this is set, no other DB related var is needed. |
- | - |
DB_HOST | If DB_URI is not specified, this is the database host. Depends on DB_ADAPTER . |
- | localhost |
DB_PORT | If DB_URI is not specified, this is the database port. Depends on DB_ADAPTER . |
- | DB default. |
DB_USER | If DB_URI is not specified, this is the database user. Depends on DB_ADAPTER . |
- | - |
DB_PASSWORD | If DB_URI is not specified, this is the database user's password. Depends on DB_ADAPTER . |
- | - |
DB_DATABASE | If DB_URI is not specified, this is the name of Konga's db. Depends on DB_ADAPTER . |
- | konga_database |
DB_PG_SCHEMA | If using postgres as a database, this is the schema that will be used. | - | public |
KONGA_LOG_LEVEL | The logging level | silly ,debug ,info ,warn ,error |
debug on dev environment & warn on prod. |
TOKEN_SECRET | The secret that will be used to sign JWT tokens issued by Konga | - | - |
NO_AUTH | Run Konga without Authentication | true/false | - |
BASE_URL | Define a base URL or relative path that Konga will be loaded from. Ex: www.example.com/konga | - | |
KONGA_SEED_USER_DATA_SOURCE_FILE | Seed default users on first run. Docs. | - | |
KONGA_SEED_KONG_NODE_DATA_SOURCE_FILE | Seed default Kong Admin API connections on first run Docs | - |
If you installed the sa_konga
role using the command
ansible-galaxy install softasap.sa_konga
the role will be available in the folder library/softasap.sa_konga
Please adjust the path accordingly.
- {
role: "softasap.sa_konga"
Code is dual licensed under the [BSD 3 clause] (https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) and the [MIT License] (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). Choose the one that suits you best.
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