Installs nvm node version manager, and, optionally nodejs with it. Suitable for development. For binary installation see sa-node role.
nodejs_version: "0.10.38" # Could be exact node version
Usage example:
- {
role: "sa-node-nvm",
nvm_version: "0.31.1"
- {
role: "sa-node-nvm",
nvm_version: "0.31.1",
deploy_user: "{{ansible_user_id}}",
option_nodejs_install_with_nvm: true,
nodejs_version: "0.12"
option_integrate_w_bash: true,
option_integrate_w_zsh: true
Example of using nvm in further steps:
- name: Detect npm
shell: 'source /home/{{deploy_user}}/.profile && dirname "`which npm`"'
executable: /bin/bash
register: npm_path_detected_raw
- name: WSI Workplace | Install bower
npm: name=bower state=present version="{{bower.version}}" global=yes
become: "{{npm_is_global}}"
PATH: "{{npm_path_detected}}:{{ ansible_env.PATH }}" # can be different depending on nvm version
For windows support we expect, that box is prepared for provisioning with ansible (best used with role , but if you configured the same setup manually will work too )
Example of the typical windows play:
- root_dir: ..
- ansible_connection: winrm
- ansible_ssh_port: 5986
- ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation: ignore
- ansible_winrm_transport: ssl
- debug: msg="Pre tasks section"
- name: gather facts
- {
role: "sa-node-nvm"
Don't forget, that this is not the exact copy of linux nvm, thus command switches differ.
In particular - activating nvm on windows is nvm on
If you installed the sa-node-nvm role using the command
ansible-galaxy install
the role will be available in the folder library/ Please adjust the path accordingly.
- {
role: ""
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