Example of usage:
- {
role: "sa-acme-sh",
option_setup_cron: true
- {regexp: "^export GD_Key=*", line: "export GD_Key=OHOH"}
- {regexp: "^export GD_Secret=*", line: "export GD_Secret=AHAH"}
- {
role: "sa-acme-sh",
option_setup_cron: true,
le_wellknown_path: "/var/www/.well-known/acme-challenge",
acmesh_version: 2.8.0,
le_config_properties: "{{ my_le_config_properties }}"
export GD_Key=***
export GD_Secret=***
acme.sh --issue -d voronenko.net -d www.voronenko.net --dns dns_gd
Listing certificates
acme.sh --list
Main_Domain KeyLength SAN_Domains Created Renew
voronenko.net "" www.voronenko.net Wed Mar 6 12:37:30 UTC 2019 Sun May 5 12:37:30 UTC 2019
location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
default_type "text/plain";
root /var/www/;
acme.sh -d voronenko.net -d www.voronenko.net --webroot /var/www/ --issue
If you installed the sa-acme-sh
role using the command
ansible-galaxy install softasap.sa-acme-sh
the role will be available in the folder library/softasap.sa-acme-sh
Please adjust the path accordingly.
- {
role: "softasap.sa-acme-sh"
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