2D Top down Open World Video Game, similar to Pokemon with the teams own creative story , save points/checkpoints, a map, side quests and a main story for users to follow.
Character Animations - user needs to be able to move around the game and it takes very little time to create blend trees and have characters animated/moving around
Main Story / Trigger Events to progress throughout the game - user needs to be able to progress throughout the story and be blocked off from certain areas if they haven’t accomplished a certain event yet.
Inventory for items gathered - items can be used to help with trigger events so the story may progress and to enhance a characters level.
A map of the world - user needs to keep track of where they are in the world and where other objects / towns are relative to the player.
Battle scenes - user needs to be able to battle other characters throughout the game
Being able to save at any point in the game - user needs to be able to save so they can come back to where they left off at.
Side Quests - gives users more to play and possibly expand on the map.
Connecting Firebase to Unity to have a username and password - users are able to save or delete data that way they don’t have to start at the beginning every time they play.
Game was made in Unity and written in C#.
This game is a project for school. We do not have any rights or own pokemon in any way.
Music can be found at https://soundcloud.com/aural-space/sets/puzzle-game-music/ .
Communication tool(s): Discord
🤩 🙂 List of Members 🙂 🤩 😀 🥰
- Omar
1 - UI/UX design
2 - Documentation lead
- Dennis
1 - Code architecture/lead programmer
2 - Team manager
3 - Client liaison
- Anas
1 - Data Modeler
2 - Testing lead
Joseph Zoretic
Lukas Walsh
Shawna Cassagnol