NOTE: This is still early stage development
`wakame-mode` is a non-official wakatime mode for Emacs. It’s a re-implementation of wakatime-mode without relying on wakatime-cli and instead makes API calls directly. It is only tested with wakapi and might or might not work with
Main reason for this re-implementation is lack of some features when working with official wakatime-mode and wakatime-cli. Specifically with native implementation we get:
- Support for remote files with Tramp (see wakatime-mode issue #27)
- Support for project.el and projectile to detect projects
- Support for reporting non-file buffers (org-agenda, dired, proced and others) as “app” type
- Language detection works differently. For example instead of “Emacs Lisp” we report “Elisp”. This works with wakapi, but might be rejected by (untested)?
- We spoof user agent because wakapi ignores editor/OS in heartbeats and instead parses user agent to detect these.
- Hard dependencies on magit and maybe others
- Support for hook, overrides, ignores etc to tweak behaviour easily
- Document API key setup (and usage)
- Prevent autosaves from triggering save events (see wakapi-mode)