Vulnerable quotes API Node.js project for Snyk CLI demo
npm install
npm start
App will be started on port 3000.
docker compose up --detach app
App will be available on port 4000.
kubectl create -f kube.yml
App will be available on port 5000.
snyk test
JSON output: /reports/default_test.json
: Fetch all quotes
GET /random
: Fetch random quote
snyk container test vulnnode
JSON output: /reports/container_test.json
snyk iac test kube.yml
JSON output: /reports/iac_test.json
snyk monitor --file=package.json --project-name=vulnnode --org=myorg
snyk ignore --id=SNYK-JS-LODASH-1018905 --expiry=2023-07-27 --reason="Not really severe"
Check Output here: /reports/.snyk
snyk <cmd> --json-file-output=./path/to/file.json