Artanis aims to be a very lightweight web framework for Scheme which is written all with GNU Guile.
- very lightweight: the core artanis.scm almost 300 lines, easy to hack and learn for newbies.
- a relative complete web-server implementation, include error page throw and all the HTTP method (you have to specify your own handler)
- 10K concurrent performance for the server, takes advantage of the Guile inner server. It's enough for you own site/blog.
- sinatra like style route, that's why it names "artanis" ;-)
- Database support (now use guile-dbi), mysql/sqlite/postgresql. But it's easy to port to other database binding. (but I like dbi)
- session support
- HTML template of SXML (very easy to use for Lisper)
First, you need Guile-2.x: Or just install it with your apt-get/zypper/yum... I suggest you install Guile-2.0.7
You need guile-dbi to handle database:
And you need specified dbd to control the database, you have three choices:
- guile-dbd-mysql
- guile-dbd-postgresql
- guile-dbd-sqlite3
All the database operations are in (artanis db).
NOTE: For our example/blog.scm, you need guile-dbd-mysql
All the packages above is easy to install:
- untar the package
- ./configure
- make
- sudo make install
Anyway, you don't have to install Artanis, you may just write your website under the artanis' toplevel directory. But if you like to install it, just copy/link artanis to somewhere like '/usr/local/share/guile/2.0' where guile was installed.
It's very easy to use:
(init-server) ; make sure alway put it in the main script head.
(define my-var #f) ; a global var for later use
;; get means GET method in HTTP protocol, and you may use:
;; get/post/put/patch/delete
(get "/show-me" ; define a page which path named "show-me"
(lambda (rc) ; rc is route-context, you may do everything with it!
(response-emit "OK, this is a hello world page!")))
;; any page must return with response-emit
(get "/show/:id" ; ":id" is a general key to indicate something you passed in
(lambda (rc)
(let ((id (params rc "id"))) ; use 'params' to get any key, include query-string
(response-emit (format #f "the id is ~a" id)))))
;; now you may try "localhost:3000/show/123" in your fav browser, and it'll show
;; "the id is 123" in the page!
;; Why always 'get'? But 'get' is the most useful method of HTTP, anyway, you
;; may try others, like 'post':
(post "/edit/:name"
(lambda (rc)
(let ((name (params rc "name"))) ; ":name" means the key to specify is "name"
(set! my-var name)
(response-emit "edit name successfully!"))))
;; and just try to show the result you modified
(get "/show/name"
(lambda (rc)
(response-emit (format #f "the name is ~a" my-var))))
(run) ; the last line, you must run the inner server
The default port is 3000, so you have to fetch the URL like: http://localhost:3000/...
But you may specify it like this:
(run #:port 1234)
Coming soon...
Happy hacking!