Written in Python and trying to keep it simple for the time being here's the list of commands:
$hello -> Says Hello
$bye -> Says Bye
$ping -> Returns Bot Latency in miliseconds
$play <song name/youtube link> -> Plays the song from youtube
$pause -> Pause the current song
$resume -> Resume playback
$stop -> Stops the song and disconnects from VC
$queue -> Shows the upcoming queued songs
$notes -> Shows list of saved notes
$save <note name> -> Saves the mentioned menssage with provided name to be retreived later
$get <note name> -> Retreives to queried note
$del_note <note names> -> Deletes mentoned notes
$shorten <url1> <url2> ... -> Shortens provided urls with tinyurl
$translate -> Translated the mentioned message to english
$help -> Shows this help message
(More Coming Soon)