This creates a search handler without the need of any search backend. It is designed for the e-commerce framework Oscar.
It is implemented a little bit expensive but uses 4 annotated search vectors: * upc * title * meta_description * meta_title
This way the search can be manipulated through the meta fields. It is running productive in a heavily customized env for many months now. I think it should scale up to 5000 Products with 10 Attributes depending on how the products are loaded. We use it fully lazy with endless scrolling.
- Provide a generic way to use filter forms
- Writing Tests
- Don't need to use some additional search backend like elastic
- Creates filters (facets) for:
- Data that is directly attached to the Product model
- including foreign key choices
- AttributeValues of the products
- StockRecord entries
Install using pip:
pip install django-oscar-pg-search
# replace '' by 'oscar_pg_search.apps.PgSearchConfig'
# '',
OSCAR_PRODUCT_SEARCH_HANDLER = 'oscar_pg_search.postgres_search_handler.PostgresSearchHandler'
# To avoid exception, haystack is not used:
HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS = {"default": {}}
Trigram search is our search algorithm. Enable it at your database by executing the following sql:
To install the included Search box that passes the previous search term. (eg. in 'oscar/partials/search.html')
{% include 'oscar_pg_search/partials/search.html' %}
To use the included filter forms, include them in the template eg. in 'oscar/layout_2_col.html' after '{% block column_left_extra %}{% endblock %}'.
{% include 'oscar_pg_search/catalogue/partials/filter_forms.html' %}
and include the mixin into the catalogue views.
# apps/catalogue/
from oscar.apps.catalogue import views
from oscar_pg_search.mixins import SearchViewMixin
class CatalogueView(SearchViewMixin, views.CatalogueView):
class ProductCategoryView(SearchViewMixin, views.ProductCategoryView):
To empower multiple choice fields with chosen load it eg. in 'oscar/base.html'.
# At the beginning:
{% load oscar_pg_search %}
# After jQuery is loaded:
{% oscar_pg_search_base %}
If you want to add some fields that are directly attached to the Product model:
OSCAR_ATTACHED_PRODUCT_FIELDS = ['is_public', 'deposit', 'volume', 'weight',]