Issue-add started out life as a way to add labels for issues to an existing repo. But is evolving into a batch system for repo handling.
If a command is expecting authorization strings it will be suffixed with-auth that means provide auth-user and pass to it when ran
The best way to install is to copy the relevant binaries into your PATH
- give a user and a repo and it will add a default set of descriptive labels
- "Bug"
- "Test"
- "Enhancement"
- "Documentation"
- "Question"
- "User Interface"
- "Performance"
- "Monitoring/Logging"
- "Network Issue"
- "Deployment"
- "Regression"
- "Dependency Management"
- "Customer Request"
- "Field Service Request"
- "Need Discussion"
- "Need Test Case"
- "Need Info"
- "Duplicate"
- "Wontfix"
- "Ready"
- "In Progress"
- "Clean"
- give a user and a repo, plus a .org file It will parse it with the following rules:
* TODO <issue-title> :<label>:
> add-issues-with-auth --auth-user="user" --pass="pass" --org-file="file" --user="repo-owner" --repo="repo"
- The labels you can use are defined above.
- the represents the issue title
- the represents the issue form
- only 1 assignee per user
cabal configure --enable-tests && cabal build && cabal test