An action to run bloom-generate command and generate deb files for ROS packages.
Supported ROS distribution / OS
- melodic / Ubuntu-18.04
- noetic / Ubuntu-20.04
Supported repositories configuration
- vcs
- a GitHub repository
Supported output of deb files
- workflow artifacts
- release assets
- targets: Space separated list of directories of package.xml. Path should be relative to the vcs root directory or the target repository root directory.
- setup_dependencies_script_path: Path of the script to be executed before bloom-generate. rosdep install will be executed in the default script.
- ros_distro: ROS distribution (noetic or melodic).
- repository_type: vcs or github
- save_as_release_assets: Save artifacts as release assets. Default is false.
- save_as_workflow_artifacts:Save artifacts as workflow artifacts. Default is true.
- vcs_setting_file: Path of the file for vcs import.
- repository_owner: Owner part of GitHub Repository path.
- repository: Repository part of GitHub Repository path.
- ref: Ref of GitHub Repository.
- tag_prefix: Prefix of the release tag.
- gh_token: token for gh (GitHub CLI).
- name_prefix: Prefix of the artifact name.
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- run: |
echo "repositories:" >./vcs.repos
echo " navigation:" >>./vcs.repos
echo " type: git" >>./vcs.repos
echo " url:" >>./vcs.repos
echo " version: noetic-devel" >>./vcs.repos
echo " teb_local_planner:" >>./vcs.repos
echo " type: git" >>./vcs.repos
echo " url:" >>./vcs.repos
echo " version: melodic-devel" >>./vcs.repos
shell: bash
- uses: smilerobotics/actions-ros-bloom-generate@v1
repository_type: vcs
vcs_setting_file: ./vcs.repos
targets: ./navigation/map_server ./navigation/voxel_grid ./navigation/costmap_2d ./navigation/nav_core ./navigation/navfn ./navigation/base_local_planner ./navigation/carrot_planner ./navigation/dwa_local_planner ./navigation/rotate_recovery ./navigation/fake_localization ./navigation/move_slow_and_clear ./navigation/clear_costmap_recovery ./navigation/global_planner ./navigation/amcl ./navigation/move_base ./navigation/navigation ./teb_local_planner
ros_distro: noetic
name_prefix: noetic-
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- uses: smilerobotics/actions-ros-bloom-generate@v1
repository_owner: smilerobotics
repository: rplidar_ros
ref: reconfigure
ros_distro: noetic
targets: ./rplidar_ros
name_prefix: noetic-
repository_type: github