This is a project to predict stock recommendations
- To take 10 years weekly data for any 3 firms and predict their Adjusted Closing price using at least 5 different algorithms
- Used Linear Regression, Ridge Regression, Regression, KNN Regression, Decision Tree Regression and Random Forest regression.
-One of the 3 ML paradigms
-Agent: Learner and decision maker
-Environment: Everything outside agent with which agent interacts
-Agent interacts with environment to find itself in new scenario
-Goal is to maximize a reward function over time
-This addresses the limitation of Q-learning.
-Aim of DQN is to train a deep neural network to approximate the Q-value function and predict Q values of each state action pair.
- To develop a DQN model and q-leanring agent to predict whether the stock price would go up,down or would remain sideways on the t^th day on the basis of given stock prices till (t-1)th day and maximise profit over a period of 2 years.
-2009 January-2017 December data for training and then the 2018 January-2019 December data to do the test.
- My agent earned a profit of Rs. 2300 on investment of Rs. 20000 on the stocks of CISCO SYSTEMS INC.