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Cogs for Carl Bot and Red Discord Bot.

Click Here to add Carl Bot to your Discord Server.

Table of Contents


If you run a bot compatible with Red Cogs:

[p]repo add carl-cogs
[p]cog list carl-cogs

[p]cog install carl-cogs name
[p]load name

Public Cogs

These Cogs should be suitable for public use with little to no extra setup.


Cog Description
activerole Redis - Adds a role to active chatters.
asn Redis - Aviation Safety Network data in discord.
autoarchive WIP - Automatically clones and archives channels before 10k.
autochannels Creates duplicate channels on the fly and cleans up when done.
autodisconnect Automatically disconnects users from the AFK channel.
autoroles Adds roles to new members on join.
avatar WIP - Server Avatar Auto Updates.
avherald Redis - Get and post Aviation Herald data to Discord.
botutils Custom stateless bot utilities for Carl Bot but useful for anyone.
chatgraph API - Generate Pie Graph of Messages in Current or Specified Channel.
colorme Allow users to manage the color of their own name.
console WIP - Random console commands converted to Python and Discord.
coolbirbs Generate a Random Cool Birb from
dayinhistory Redis - Gets and Posts Today in History.
flightaware Redis - FlightAware Flights, Operators, Registration.
grafana WIP - Grafana Graphs in Discord.
heartbeat Pings a Heartbeat service every X seconds.
imdbsearch IMDB Search and lookups.
liverole Give a role to users when they go live in Discord.
lmgtfy WIP - LMGTFY chat replies.
ocrimage WIP - Converts images to text via Flowery OCR API.
openai WIP - OpenAI and ChatGPT Commands.
planedb Add Name->NNumber Mappings to easily search.
reactpost Set channels to add Emoji->Channel mappings to post to channel.
saveforlater Save any message to later by having the bot send it to you.
sunsetrise Get Sun Set and Sun Rise for Location.
timer Start and Stop Timers in Discord.
tiorun Runs code on and returns the results.
userchannels Creates custom user rooms on the fly and cleans up when done.
webtools Web Tools for Carl Bot that could end up in their own module.
welcome Welcomes new users to your servers on join.
wolfram WIP - Query Wolfram Alpha for Results.
youtube WIP - Auto post YouTube videos to specified channels.
ziplinecog WIP - Zipline Stats in Discord.

Internal Cogs

These Cogs are either not designed for other bots or not ready for the Public yet. You will most likely need to look under the hood to set up these Cogs.


Cog Description
captcha WIP - Protect server with CAPTCHA.
carlcog Custom commands for Carl Bot that could end up in their own module.
createthings Deprecated - Create pre-defined or user-defined role/emoji sets.
dictionary WIP - Dictionary and Urban Dictionary lookups.
dockercog WIP - Docker Daemon API.
github WIP - Github Functions in Discord.
miscog Miscellaneous commands for Carl Bot that could end up in their own module.
pubsub Redis, API - Custom Redis pubsub module for Red and Carl Bot.
qr WIP - Create QR Codes in Discord.
qrscanner WIP - Scans messages for attachments to parse and post QR Data.
reactroles Deprecated - Create Reaction Role sets to let users get roles from reactions.
stickyroles Deprecated - Remembers users roles and adds them on rejoin.
uptimekuma WIP - Uptimekuma in Discord.
voicetext WIP - Creates Text Channels for Active Voice Channels and Cleans Up.
warcraftlogs Deprecated - Split Warcraft Logs into multiple channels with filters.
weather WIP - Get Weather for Location.


Information on Cog Tags.

Tag Count Description
redis 8 Cog requires Redis. Read More Here...
api 4 Cog may require Web API. Read More Here...
wip 20 Cog is an active Work in Progress and may be frequently updated with breaking changes.
deprecated 4 Cog is DEPRECATED and may not function as expected or receive updates.


Many Cogs use Redis for data caching and setting expiry keys. Redis has a small footprint and is very fast. Running the docker Redis container will work with these cogs out of the box. To configure specific Redis settings, use the set api command.

Running Redis

docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis:alpine

Setup Redis

[p]set api

Name redis with data:

host    redis
port    6379
db      0
pass    onlyifrequired

Above information are the defaults. Password defaults to None. DO NOT enter a password in the config unless you require one.


It is a Django app in a Docker container: