Created by Shubhada Martha
FroggyVault is a mobile transaction app in SwiftUI, which can be used in place of physical card transactions!
- Dismissing Number Keypad
- TextField Formatting
- Jump TextFields and delete from OPT Textfields
- API server implementation
- Invalid phone number, OPT Code Checker
- Send OPT Code
- Save user info to disk and fetch
- Ability to handle new and returning user info
- Auto displaying user attributes
- Ability to chnage username
- Log out of account
- PayVaultApp
- Api
- UserViewModel
- rootView
- LaunchScreenView
- LogInScreenView
- VerificationView
- LoadingView
- HomeView
- SettingsView
- NOTE: The user attributes are saved to disk and then retrived again when the same user returns to the app [I realized that I'm supposed to only save the authToken to disk which already carries the phone number, name, account info, etc]
- The name and account details on home view are accessed through the userResponse though
- Initially the account info sometimes isn't loaded properly but navigating to settings page and back displays the right account info
- The loading screen pops up when the information is loading even for a new user
- Sometimes invalid OTP code is recognized and printed to console but the alert doesn't get toggled
- PhoneNumberKit found at