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Steve Martell edited this page Nov 4, 2013 · 7 revisions

What is iSCAM

iSCAM stands for integrated Statistical Catch Age Model, and development started by Steve Martell at the University of British Columbia with early collaborations with Vivian Haist, Jake Schweighert, and Jaclyn Cleary for developing a new integrated assessment model for BC herring stocks. The software was built using AD Model Builder and to use this software you must have ADMB installed on your computer. In addition, there are several R-scripts included in the repository for reading iSCAM output and creating figures and tables in R.

There are several branches in this repository, but the master branch is considered the official release version. A multi-dimensional version of iSCAM is being developed for the International Pacific Halibut Commission IPHC where I currently work. This branch is named IPHC.

You are welcome to use this repository for your own assessment work. Much of the code was developed on Mac OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and I know most of the GNU Makefiles work on most linux platforms (Thanks Chris Grandin for testing). Windows users will have install cygwin and bash to use the Makefiles, otherwise, you can always compile the source code and run the models manually.


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