Our group website is powered by Jekyll and was gratefully adapted from the UW-Sampa group template.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
To build/test the site locally, you'll need to install the prerequisites at:
GitHub Pages will automatically build the projects and posts from the templates. You only need to commit/push the templates, NOT the built pages.
For adding/updating group members, go to ./_data/people.yml. Do NOT change the unique identifiers (e.g. 'prof-sunjun'), even if the role changes, as this may accidentally break project pages.
For adding/updating projects, create/modify the .md files in ./_projects. Note the 'active' flag, which determines whether a project is current and appears on the front page or not.
For adding news posts, create a file ./_posts/YYYY-MM-DD-title-of-news-post.md. Follow the template of existing posts. Note that our Twitter account will automatically tweet a link to any newly created news posts, so please test locally first.
Supplementary materials (e.g. self-contained mini-sites) should be placed in ./supplementary-material. Follow the template of existing pages to automatically generate the standard layout.
First, clone this repository on your local machine.
In the root directory, use this:
bundle exec jekyll serve
Then access/test the site locally at: http://localhost:4000
Please do test all changes locally before deploying.
Unfortunately, the HTML of our publication list must be built offline.
To do this, update the BibTeX file in ./bibs/pubs.bib. Then, in the root directory, run:
bundle exec make
This will transform the BibTeX into HTML. Simply commit/push the updated file after running the above.
(Note that Chris will do this automatically whenever a new paper appears on Sun Jun's / mine DBLP page.)
Contact [email protected] if you face any issues, or want access to the repository / organisation account.