The Nextcloud VM — (aka Nextcloud Virtual Machine or NcVM) — helps you create a personal or corporate [Nextcloud Server] faster and easier. Fundamentally, NcVM is a carefully crafted family of [*nix] scripts which interactively guide you through a quality-controlled installation to obtain an [A+ security-rated] Nextcloud instance.
The Nextcloud [app store] extends core features by allowing you to enable a multitude of free one-click apps. However, integration apps there like [Collabora Online] and [ONLYOFFICE] are solely bridges to Nextcloud. You’re still required to install those services separately, which can be complex. NcVM provides optional full installation of select curated apps, including those and others. Monitor and manage your cloud using any web browser with NcVM’s hand-picked collection of power utilities featuring stunning, modern UIs.
NcVM can check for and install stable updates to keep things current, smooth, and secure.